OW1 Classic Supports are trash

It’s as simple as that. Free kills.

Really begs the question why people complained about the one support ult that does something. Revive. At least until they’re dead again 5 seconds laters.


People who don’t play support/tank on the forums: Wow, classic is so great! It’s so Overwatch! Why can’t we just go back to this?!

No wonder…


As long as they are having fun it doesn’t matter if they are trash or godlike.


At least zen has 50% discord


Zen might move at turtle speed during ult, but Lucio and Zen’s ults are good in Classic. The parts that suck about the characters are in their base gameplay; Lucio is so freakin’ slow and Zen has 150 HP in a world where Widow bodyshots for that amount. But ulting as either is a big deal.


It’s why I don’t really like classic at all.

Support has exactly zero options to handle dive.

Your choices are:

  1. Depend on your teammates to peel.
  2. Switch off support.
  3. Die

Tracer specifically just runs rampant all over everything.

Genji and Winston are pretty insufferable too.


Bastion can kill anyone in Zens ult. He’s not good. Widow and Hanzo can still one shot. And if I recall, it’s still blocked by barriers.

It’s not that good. (Maybe barrier blocking was later)

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Yep. Support play early on was completely ult dependent. As they noticed less and less people playing supports, they started reworking and buffing supports. Less than a year after this, things start changing. Lucio and Symmetra get reworks. Zenyatta gets massive buffs. And Mercy loses mass rez.

The catalyst? Ana. She was lightyears above other supports in power and capability. The others needs reworks to compete.


Ana was fine vice the whole full on Anti Nade. It needed to be toned down to 50%.

The real problem was Brig. When they combined Lucio, Rein and Mcree into one.

Both ults and Hero kits and superior in ow2.

  • Zen Main

Brig was a necessary evil if they weren’t going to nerf dive.

Support needed something to survive dive.

Release Brig was insane. But then again, so was dive.


There’s a healthy middle ground between OW Classic supports and overtuned, borderline unpunishable monsters like Bap, Kiri and Juno.

Imagine if we just did that.


Transcendence can be countered, yes. That doesn’t mean it’s in any way bad. In a world where healing is hard to come by, being able to belt out 300 HPS or so is really high value.


they arent even strong or unpunishable, the issue is just probably one or two of their abilities.

for bap its the aoe burst regen.

kiri its suzu her kunai needs two shots back.

juno i think is fine now is she still meta

frankly i think they should do to junkrat what they do to hitscan, see every hitscan has a projectile, but almost no projectile hero has a hitscan ability other than soj.

i would just trade junk rat trap for something hitscan burst like helix rocket is to soldier.

otherwise we wont be able to make fliers good at all.

They’re all wildly overtuned and far more difficult to punish for misplays than to play.


Worst support in the game currently (yes even worse than Weaver) and still people throw her at the top and say she is OP. At some point people need to get over their bias. I think there was never a hero that was buffed and the devs would need to explain in the devs note of that hero that no matter how strong she feels, she is underperforming everywhere and gets a buff because of that.

  1. She isn’t.
  2. That means nothing when the role is overtuned.

Ah yes, the “role is overtuned” answer. Love it every single time.


Anybody who can look at Juno, Bap, Brig etc and say they’re not overtuned is biased beyond belief. Saying x support is weaker than them really doesn’t mean anything. If you put Kiri into OW1 she’d be an instant must pick because she’s also overtuned but in retail other supports manage to make her look meh.


you mean balanced.

and yes, the supports aren’t supposed to be able to solo a dps