OW should get hero bans

She was only reworked because of Mercy, you could ban Mercy or Pharah and problem solved, no need to ruin Pharah.

Yes. Absolutely yes.

It doesn’t matter either way, meta is different in different elos.

This isn’t an argument against bans, it’s just saying get good essentially which means nothing.

If those heroes cause issues, that’s the meta in low elo, there’s every reason to ban them then.

It’s like in League, Yi is a hero that stomps low elo but does bad in high elo, he has a high ban rate in low elo and low ban rate in high elo.

It’s ok, that’s just different elo based metas.

How don’t they? you just said they have issues with certain heroes, so they can ban these heroes.

The counterargument is that if they git gud, Moira is not an issue. If you git gud, Tracer is still an issue.


I think that strengthens the argument for bans. Moira is NOT an issue for skilled players, just like Tracer is NOT an issue for unskilled players.

So you let people ban Moira until they get good, then once they get good, they start banning Tracer. A ban system completely solves the issue of MMR dependent menaces.


Exactly some of the skill champions have such a high power level if the skill requirements are reached. So powerful that even meta bend around them in higher competitive games.


Which isn’t an argument against bans.

It’s pointing out different elos have different metas, still no reason as to why not allow bans in all elos.

At this point I feel like you are arguing against a wall for this game. The players who still play this game a lot and also contented with the game are pro 5 v5, pro counter picking, and most of all this forum feels like an echo chamber for players in metal rank from their comments.

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The argument against bans is that it is anti-competitive to select what you want to avoid dealing with. That’s all that needs to be said.

The only reason Overwatch might consider it is because skill issue players love being catered to. It means nothing. I could have told you that.

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Anti competitive in what way? MR, League of Legends, Dota they all have bans and a competitive mode.

League is the biggest esport in the world. So anti competitive in what way?

Bans allow competitive integrity, allow strategies to thrive.

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There is a fine line between making the game more enjoyable and straight up giving players cheat codes.

Low ranks struggle against Moira because they have fundamental issues with the game.

Once they improve their skill enough (pretty ordinary thing to ask for in any game), they will beat Moira easily.

This is very different to Tracer or Sojourn being broken in GM and Top500. Because top500 players already have all the needed skill and knowledge, and despite that they can’t do anything against those heroes.
In this case, hero bans starts to make sense to alleviate this justified frustration.

But regardless if it’s Bronze or GM, the devs have the responsibility and the obligation to balance their game properly.
Hero bans should never be an alternative to proper balance. Always hold the devs accountable

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So? I just explained why that is this case. People who refuse to adapt love when whatever they are struggling with is removed from the equation. That’s anti-competitive because instead of playing the game at the highest level, you are playing a cherry picked version of the game?

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Hero bans in a game where hero counters exist… I can’t possibly see how that could be abused.

Tank player X wants to play D.VA! Quick! Ban Zarya, her main counter!

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Especially with targeted bans. Obviously they could just hide your name, but it is baffling to me that people do not see the problem. And they expect Blizzard to listen to them. If I was a Blizzard developer, I would be so triggered that clowns had the audacity to criticize our decisions.

It does helps the dev figure out the pain point in different elo and maps very fast based on ban statistic. if they can’t figure out why widow is getting perma ban on havana, this game is as good as dead.


Trust me they know. They simply don’t care.
It’s not that hard to notice if something is broken. They have both their internal data and the community feedback.

The focus in this case should be to pressure the devs to fix their game.

Hero bans can help at the highest levels. But as I said, this should never be an alternative to proper balance.

Also, Widow being exceptionally broken on Havanna is a map problem, not a hero problem. Otherwise she would be broken everywhere

Why what is? why League is the biggest esport in the world?

If that’s true, it’s because of bans, then OW needs it even more.

Wow, guess you’re right, guess the biggest esport in the world is “anti competitive”

Tell me you’re delusional without telling me you’re delusional lmaoo

Like I said, bans allow competitive integrity, strategy to thrive, and yes, allow people to ban things they don’t like playing against.

Because guess what? it’s a video game, where people like to have fun, and there’s nothing wrong with banning things that are anti fun, if that’s what you want to do.

At the end of the day, bans have way more pros than cons.


100%. But I don’t think you can get a balanced game without hero bans. The game just has too many variables. Like Widow on something like Havana and Widow on something like Hanoaka are basically two completely different heroes even before you factor in the MMR of the game.

I would argue that playing Moira in Bronze or playing Tracer/Soj in T500 are closer to cheat codes than banning those heroes is.

IMO this is probably the single biggest flaw with OW balance. Blizzard just assumes that if a hero gets out of hand then their hard-counter will stop it. If a Doom is dominating, then Sombra comes out. If it’s a Dva, then Zarya. A Mauga, then Ana, and so on.

Overwatch matchups, especially Tanks, are so insanely polarized that the game boils down to “stomp > opponent swaps to counter > you swap to not get countered > they swap to counter you > repeat” an insanely large % of the time.

IMO Overwatch would be significantly more enjoyable if hard-counters were less prevalent and the game was balanced around that.

That’s pretty much it. :laughing:


Map issue

I’m not saying Moira is a great design for Bronze. But i’m saying the Bronze players have so much to learn. Giving them the ability to ban Moira is allowing them to skip necessary skills and game knowledge.

You won’t like to have a teammate that doesn’t know how to deal with Moira in your Masters+ games.

But you can’t blame a GM Junkrat for sucking against an overpowered Sojourn. Hence the justification of Hero bans.

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They are less prevalent. The game used to be full of hard counters. For example, Mei used to hard counter any hero that relied on mobility, like Tracer, Genji, Sombra, Winston, Doomfist etc, because her primary fire would slow and freeze them.

Now? While she can still effectively counter some of those heroes, it’s not a hard counter because there’s no slow and freeze to her primary fire. So heroes hit by her attack can still use their mobility to get away from her.

Swapping and countering is still a core mechanic of the game though. Other games? They don’t do ‘counters’ when it comes to their heroes. Which is true for Marvel Rivals just as much as it is for most other hero shooters, so hero bans can exist in those games. In Overwatch? It just creates a way to abuse matches to line up in your favour.