Just a reminder that this game has not had a patch since August… and that patch didn’t change anything for the game, that patch wasn’t even a QoL patch. It is currently December 11th, 2021.
I mean the last QoL patch was in October, the last patch to date was in November… so not like we’re missing out on anything that grand.
Anyhow, this will most likely be the patch date for the Winter Wonderland event, yes.
what are you talking about? are you literally arguing that the freaking mercy staff thing was a serious patch and changed the game?
You set the definition as being a patch. You did not set the definition as being a game-changing patch.
Well you never mentioned anything about a “serious patch”
All you were doing was complaining about not getting a patch, it’s not like a change is really necessary since any balancing change wouldn’t even change the meta a bit.
Keeping the game fresh? Sure, though that’s what they’re literally doing when working towards an event.
the purpose of a patch is to literally change the game… patches are not just bug fixes.
That’s why goats was meta for two years right???
LOL… you are so right
Well if we’re diving into terminology… Patches are used for fixing bugs and other things.
If we’re talking about game-changing stuff it would be more appropriate to use the term “update”
So technically yes, patches are just bug fixes.
Though that doesn’t matter really, you’re getting a patch soon anyways.
We know they’re putting their resources mostly at work on OW2, so it’s to be expected to get less balance. Especially considering we’re this close to an event update.
And well even more disconnected from this exact topic, their “game-changing” updates don’t really adjust the meta that much nor does it really make it more fun to play.
Though that’s just an opinion.
“A patch is a set of changes to a computer program or its supporting data designed to update, fix, or improve it.[1] This includes fixing security vulnerabilities[1] and other bugs, with such patches usually being called bugfixes or bug fixes .”
thanks for the wikipedia article
You are very welcome. I can provide more if you’d like? Just a simple google search.
lol okay man, you are really a homie
Haha no worries
“The meaning of PATCH is A downloadable update that fixes bugs, improves stability and introduces new features to a program”
"A modification (noun) of software or to modify (verb) software. In the past, a patch used to mean changing actual executable, machine instructions, but today more often than not, it means replacing an executable module in its entirety such as an .EXE or .DLL file. A profusion of patches to an application implies that its logic was poorly designed in the first place.
Although the term typically refers to fixing a problem, a patch may also refer to a general enhancement because the two scenarios have become blurred. For example, a security “enhancement” is often a fix for a vulnerability in the program. In addition, software vendors like to announce something new in an update other than just fixing problems. Therefore, applying patches often refers to both fixes and new features."
“A patch, sometimes just called a fix , is a small piece of software that’s used to correct a problem, usually called a bug , within an operating system or software program.”
We wont get a patch while the streamer patch is on the experimental, blizz also goes on holidays for a long time around now. I doubt it is even possible for us to get a real patch until sometime next year.
i do like the event skins in overwatch but if your expecting the game to get updates in comparison to fortnite, apex, call of duty or most online competitive games then i think you will be disappointed. should know that by now heh
well to be fair cod warzone still looks the same to me. do they have a new map by now at least?
things seem specially murky at blizz nowadays, they probably can push the patch but if they don’t well… it is what it is
False. Last patch was November 9th. As you can see clearly in the patch notes.
Goats was meta for six seasons. Seasons 12 to 17. Not two years.
There has been patches though.
A lot of bug fixes.