OW opens on wrong screen (dual screen setup)

Hi! I use a dual screen setup. My laptop screen is marked as secondary and the extra monitor is the primary screen. Until the anniversary patch yesterday (22-05-2018), OW opened on the primary monitor, but now it will only run on the secondary laptop screen.

I tried going to windowed mode and dragging the game to the main monitor and that works, but when I switch back to full screen, the game goes back to the laptop.

Anybody any ideas? Thanks!

PS: Yesterday, there was an automatic Windows 10 update too. Could have something to do with it…

Following, I am having the same issue. Same setup as you. Same OS.

That is very likely, please check your preferences in Windows Settings > Display and check to see if your monitor priority features have changed.

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Hey I had same problem. I mean I’m not using my laptop screen to watch any videos or twitch. The way I fixed it was basically go to settings> System>display and scroll down to multiple displays and chose show only two. This will turn of your laptop screen and only use the monitor.
You can play around with the options to see which one fits you better.

I still have this issue, OW only opens on monitor 2 if I have 2 connected. This happens with several different monitors. There is nothing exposed that appears to be changeable. Any advice, other than unplugging it? It still attempts to load on screen 2 even if I have it turned off.

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I have been having the same issue. OW opens on my second monitor, I change the video settings to output to the primary monitor, and it works while I play. I shut my computer off for the night, and then when I restart to play the next day it reverts to preferring my second monitor. My first monitor is my primary in windows, and they aren’t the same resolution, so the game has to go out of its way to adjust the graphics settings every time as well.

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