OW just isn't fun anymore

Over the past year, it seems like the quality of matches have declined dramatically to the point where nearly every match I play is a steamroller. Either we steamroll them or they steamroll us.

Matches used to be fun and challenging where skill actually mattered but now, it’s basically sweaty tryhards vs potatoes every single match and it’s just not fun.

Playing solo is a tiny bit better but it’s still pretty often that a team of soloers gets matched against a group or 3, 4, or even sometimes a 5 or 6 stack. And I mean, I guess that’s “fun” once in a while but it happens all the time now.

Maybe Overwatch’s player base is dying and there’s just not enough people in the queue to make compelling matches or something?

I used to play like 4 matches every single morning before work but now I can barely make it through 2. This morning, I bailed mid-way through my 2nd match because it’s just a waste of my time.

The game simply isn’t fun anymore because of the terrible matchmaking.

Is anyone else seeing the same thing? Maybe I’ve just grown out of Overwatch??


on bag chasing monday I usually drop OW also so don’t worry, taking breaks is healthy

No, Blizz has tossed this game aside. This is the same pattern of activity/neglect that Heroes of the Storm had. Now look what happened to it, and realize its coming here. Blizz is just abusing and ignoring their playerbase until they leave.


You basically need friends to play this game and have fun ngl :confused:


i would leave but there isnt much competition. i really cant get into battle royales as much as team-oriented games with objectives. i like that pubg has an arena deathmatch mode now been trying that out lately. i might try playing halo again hopefully they have pretty good server queues and people playing? would love to play big team battle again in halo 2


You’re not definitely the only one and the game is falling apart at the moment because of these issues. There’s constant complaining about it and the situation has gotten so bad that a massive amount of players who used to play QP normally now resort to playing it on their alt accounts when they do solo queue stuff. I’m one of those players. Some weeks ago I just couldn’t handle how horribly unbalanced all the matches were so I just hopped onto this account and started playing heroes I don’t really play on my main account, Zarya aside. Practising them this way is the only way I can have consistently fun while playing the game, because the matchups that I get on my main account are simply so horrifyingly bad that I end up leaving 9/10 games I join in because it’s fairly obvious right from the starting screen which team is going win. And it’s not just paranoia or anything, I’ve lately checked almost all replays regarding those games as the system allows tracking them and almost every time my prediction is right: The team that I leave gets rolled and smoked harder than Woodstock 1969. When they don’t the opponents are basically throwing the game.

And I wouldn’t mind getting GM opponents as I can play against players from all ranks, but the fact that while I’m facing GMs and their stacks I consistently get platinum and in worst cases even gold players as my teammates, ruins the gameplay experience entirely. This is why I only play on my main account when I am able to stack up with my friends, because at least that way I can guarantee that I get good teammates, which fixes most of the issues regarding gameplay and makes the games actually fun to play again

My advice: Google “OW CDKEYS” and get a new account for as low price as 7,74$/€ and start playing on that again. That’s the only way I can personally have consistently fun in this game anymore thanks to the matchmaking being so horrifyingly bad


Terrible matchmaking, comp system that mix ranks (on a streaming I even seen a top 500 being in team with diamonds and masters)

placement system that have zero logic

and of course smurfs , alt accounts or whatever you call them (same thing)


I hear ya but from my experience (especially a year or two ago) flying solo was way more fun than with groups because the match maker automatically assumes groups == top-tier players (which I am not).

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You can try

Rocket arena
Rogue company

Or make the full conversion to mobas and


Or get out of the shooter game altogether


I feel your pain though. Someone is gonna see money in what blizzard is doing eventually and mimic it properly.

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been thinking of trying this out, 3rd person csgo sounds interesting

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its full of aim chads and cod bros but its fun.

Heroes are kinda fun. Saints op.

Wow, I’ve been doing the exact same thing which has led me to the conclusion in this post.

I’ve been seeing a lot of people leave within the first minute or so of the match, too. I wonder if they do the same thing.

EDIT: If human players can tell whether a match is balanced or not just based on the teams, the matchmaking algorithm shouldn’t have a problem figuring it out.

Blizzard, there’s obviously a problem here. Fix the damn matchmaking system. This is unbelievable.


The top 4 reasons why players leave matches during the first minute:

  1. It’s Paris/LC/2CP defense
  2. They know they’re going to lose the match
  3. Their favorite hero got yoinked
  4. There’s a player in their game that they don’t want to play with
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Frankly I don’t see any difference in match making then when I first started. If anything people see ME as a problem because I been playing so long my performance in any given game can vary so much. I may be in the zone playing at a Diamond/Master lv or I may be agitated and playing at a gold level. My hero choice may just happen to stomp the majority of the enemy comp making me look better then I am, ext.

The game is old. especially when it comes to shooters. The maps don’t change and nor do the objectives. It’s going to get boring sooner or later. The things that break up the monotony is new heros and maps. Something we haven’t gotten in a while. (also hated limited map pools for comp)

Combine that with how badly they been balancing tanks lately and you get a stale/downward spiral feeling.

I already uninstalled the game and won’t be playing for a while. I just realized I wasn’t having fun. I miss being able to pick whatever tank I wanted and being able to play more or less but now they are so broken it really feels like if I don’t pick specific tanks I’ll have a miserable time.

I might come back in half a year or so but only time will tell. I’m frankly not even exited for OW2 anymore. My tanks lost their identities and I don’t see them coming back for OW2. Not at this rate.

you should play arcade or overwatch workshop
it sounds like you need a break from playing the real stuff
or just stop playing for 1-2 weeks and come back i left for 3 days and i felt way better

There are definitely some problems with balance and Matchmaking but but I personally, am having fun playing.

No the game sucks now, you’re very right, new heros are not only problematic but make other heros useless, on top of this the balance is awful, match making is insanely bad, smurfs are a joke, the amount of bugs some heros have is laughable, The only thing they chance is variables and all they do is overtune or gut heros.

The game just blows atm.


no new content + mood swings of decisions by dev team with target to make the game have metas > stale game with players stop caring about the game.


It’s both terrible match making and lack of content and also the balance team will make everything 10 times worse since they’ll buff someone that takes no skill and is very op like junkrat or bastion and they’ll nerf someone that takes so much skill and time to learn like genji or widowmaker. To be honest they really ruined the game and I really don’t think ow 2 will help and it might actually make the problem worse

Blizzard devs have heard your pleas and have decided to give 2 more buffs to Cole.