OW isnt even hiding it anymore

They made the choice to make it F2P. If that didn’t go according to their plan, they did a bad job. It’s not like they’re the only occupation where making bad choices can bite them in the butt. They deserve nothing but critical distain.

That really is the weirdest development in the video game community. I know it’s not new, but still. Blaming and insulting other consumers for spending money on something they enjoy is so incredibly odd.

If you have a problem with the game that makes you feel bad, blame the developers and stop playing. Simple as that.

No need to be so hard on yourself buddy :confused:

I just have a lot of money and don’t care. If that makes me “stupid,” :person_shrugging:

Edit - that’s what stupid people do right? Have $50 to spend on pixels? I’m just pointing out the irony of you calling us stupid, although I’m not sure you’ll get it.

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You are free to spend your money however you want

But just keep in mind that what you’re doing contributes to the reduction of game quality and downfall of gaming as a whole, because game studios are now making their games to cater to people like you instead of making them actually enjoyable for everyone else including yourself

But then again, it’s your money


the skins are optional, you dont need to buy them

At this point I believe people only buy those skins for collection purposes because who on earth would spend $50 on 4 skins ($12 each)?

Like everyone already mentioned its their money and they spend the way they want. You shouldnt bothered, you should be thankful at least some people trying to keep this game alive…somehow. (although if the community support this kind of skins, more of em will come eventually so eeeehhh… w.e).

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Nexon was recently punished for cheating its players for years, manipulating drop rates and the likes to keep people playing their game and obviously scamming them out of their money.

People have reported Blizzard does the same with posts like this:

Blizzard is the same and I encourage that you go into this rabbit hole if you somehow are still addicted to this bad game and don’t know how to stop playing it so you understand that you are being scammed…


Yeah youre the problem. Uninstall and touch grass.

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Actually I throw Microsoft Bing credits at it… cost me nothing out of pocket…

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Actually its people like you that keep this game crap. The devs know they don’t have to fix anything because people like you shell out insane amounts of money for cosmetics.


this guy has to be bait lmao


20 characters

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you could have treated yourself to a triple AAA game instead put money into devs that are known abusers both inside and outside the game thats crazy

Meh, the AAA industry is imploding. ~laughs at AAAA game

It’s all about the AA games and the indie games these days.

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You’re looking at it the wrong way, my friend.

You and I both agree the skins are definitely not worth $50. Okay, cool. We both share the same opinion.

Other people think the skins are worth $50. They have an opinion too. Why be mad about their opinion? Be happy about it. Them spending $50 to support continued development of the game means you don’t have to spend money and can keep enjoying it for free. It’s a good thing.

Because it directly influences the direction of the game. You think their purchases aren’t doing that? So naive…

Season 9 patch means I don’t get to enjoy the game. It’s lame, and it’s catering to casuals and giving them the dopamine of hitting more shots than they should, causing them to buy more stuff they don’t really need, which makes them do more stupid things to the game - like increase projectile hitboxes and HP.

Oh im well aware the prices games set is because people are willing to pay them. But idc what they spend on it, because I am not naive enough to pretend its a possibility to get majority of ppl buying skins to stop. So they can spend whatever they want.

Ubisoft’s AAAA products and the rest of the other publisher AAA titles are almost all mostly garbage to average rating these days. A lot of the good purchases are in AA and indie studio products. Many people will not accept $70 for a mediocre experience. Will this kill the videogame industry and cause another crash? I don’t know but a lot of people seem to think so.

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my sides left the planet