Ow is a competitive first person shooter

I hate these forum posts.

Here, in order of magnitude, is what wins and loses matches in Overwatch

1). Who the matchmaker wants to win

2). Who picks more of the broken characters

3). Your actual skill and effort

I mean you can’t seriously argue this is a skill based game when ultimates exist


It’s not even close to a MOBA Zorek.

It shares unique hero characters, and that’s about it.

If unique hero characters make this game a MOBA, then Smash Bros is a MOBA.

If you want to know what an actual first person MOBA looks like play Battleborn.


Man, i miss that game, wish there was something similar out there.
Or just sell the rights and let somebody else make a sequel. Just don’t launch it at the same time of other big launches again xD

I got kinda hyped for it, but I’ve never played it at all.

Is it alive at all anymore?

dear god this. Ultimates are a crutch.


Who the the matchmaker wants to win


I m not sure OW should be qualified as a “Competitive” “Shooter”. What part of this game is about shooting people when we have option of running the whole comp without a single gun, or “gun” that is impossible to miss, or at the best of time, there are like 4 out of 12 players who shoot anything.

I don’t know about the competitive aspects, but this is definitely a “fighting game”, they, especially the game’s own devs, should get it straight.

“6v6 team based action game” even the champs were afraid to call it a “shooter”

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Competitive shooter with people running double shield


Not even that. Overwatch isn’t a shooter nor a moba.

It’s a spam simulator.

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But it was always like that.

If they were highly competitive, then mobility would have been nerfed, but they didn’t want to do that.

Like, SAYING you want a competitive game, but refusing to remove the overpowered aspects and just trying to stuff counters in for them isn’t a good plan.

Pick these heroes (Moira/Brig) to stop mobility, became a thing because mobility needed to be stopped.

Pick these heroes (one shots) because healing is too strong, became a thing because healing was too strong.

Pick these heroes (strong healers) became a thing, because non healing abilities where kinda pants.

Pick these heroes (Tank enablers, and tanks) became a thing, because it was the only way to deal with amount of one shots.

Like, deal with the base problems, and you can have a competitive game, but, just putting on bandaids all the time and then saying “well, people just pick the bandaids to big problems in the base game, that is a problem” is a bit stupid.


This game is tf2 based game, go there and be killed by spy in one hit with mele, or generaly fight people who use it like demoknight. Forget about everyone there having one mele weapon at least.
Fps dont mean melee weapons are not in and they are not just “additional” ways to kill, they can be main ways.

So glad I dont have to fight minions, collect resources, level up, or buy gear, like in MOBA games!


There’s also the fact that we’ve had the same heroes in the gutter since launch, and the moment they do become stable, viable picks they’re always nerfed right back down in a timely manner and without question. Happened to Sym, happened to Sombra, wonder who is next.


Not bastion because you have to stop being in the gutter before being nerfed back into it.

Though, the big Sombra Nerfs when she was already garbage, kinda shows they are not shy about stuff like that.

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LOL I can’t belief that was posted with a straight face. Like never mind balance, NO ONE takes the comp mode seriously at all. People get away with sabotaging it all the time. When they finally do something its far too late. Consoles are still actively ignored for the most part. Then the biggest problem is that the people that just want to play the game as they intended are the ones that get punished the most for it. WHAT ABOUT OW IS COMPETITIVE?

NOTHING about this game is competitive

This game basically caters to people who can’t handle actual fair competition. That is why literally a third of the threads here are Genji mains reeing about the one support that they are not heavily favoured to kill.

It’s why they keep putting out heroes with “spam ability to win”.

That is why “metas” exist and more importantly are allowed to exist by the devs

If this was actually a fair and balanced game heroes with ridiculous pick rates would be the ones getting dumpstered, not Sombra

Sombra can’t be allowed to be viable because then overpowered ability heroes would actually have to shoot and move to win

THAT is why this game is neither competitive nor an FPS

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I wish Winston had the lightning gun from QC sometimes

Who even cares? You can call it a single player open-world roleplaying game with train-simulator like elements on a Minecraft base for all I care.

The game is still fun.

Cut him some slack. That’s probably just how he perceives his games. It’s actually interesting since now we’re well aware of what direction the developers want to go with Overwatch.