I posted today something about a map bug and some nice “Quality of life” ideas but nobody cares ? I postet Interesting things that maybe be good for Ow but people prefer to comment under an “Mercy fan Club” post GG …my post contain some ideas for Charakter changes but ok may not everyone liks that but whats about the first 2 points ??? repost of it underneath…
In my 1200 hours of competitive gameplay I was able to collect various impressions and there are some flaws that I would like to have testet on the PTR if possible. In this post I have not only ideas for character changes and balances, furthermore I have discovered a bug in Oasis. I would love some feedback from you all and especially from the developers if possible.
Quality of life:
• Symmetra does not have a stat for overall shield regeneration when her shield generator.
• When you look up the stats of a certain character in past season it just to the current season.
• In the hero overview menu you can not see which heroes have a golden gun. Something like a golden border would make it easier to count your golden weapons.
• It would be helpful if recent players would be displayed in the teams that they were in.
• Reports are only possible AFTER the game
• A mute feature for voice lines for teammates. They can be very distracting and annoying when they are spammed.
• Team overview in game with the currently equipped skins.
• An option to choose what role you want to play before you search for a game. This option could prevent that 5 tanks and a healer main are up against 6 DPS mains.
After the 30 sek pre game you shoud be able to pick what you want if you wanne switch comp from 2-2-2 to 4-2-1
• Boosted players are a problem because they mostly do not belong in the ELO that they are in. It is obvious which players are boosted and maybe the developers could figure out a way to stop this kind of gameplay. Ultimately you could take out the option to play with multiple people in a queue. This would require a lot more team communication and less toxicity because you have to be more friendly in voice chat.
• Players that make more than 25 damage to an enemy should be in the kill feed. This would prevent that players are called out for being useless. Furthermore it could be displayed which player has what or how many medals.
Map Bugs:
On the map Oasis, Tracer is able to blink through certain walls. This could resolve in her death because she falls to her death. I have marked the spots in the pictures down below.
Charakter changes:
• ANA: Increased magazine size or faster reload since she has a big disadvantages against all the other healers. The disadvantage is clearly that she can not heal while she reloads.
• D.VA: A nerf of her burst damage would make her more balanced. Maybe increased travel time for her micro rockets or less damage with more splash damage.
• MERCY: lower rate of her self healing. An increase to more than 1 seconds
• MOIRA: Increase her cool down of her shadow step (slightly) or decrease the healing rate of her healing orb.
• ROADHOG: Decreased damage reduction while using „take a breather“.
• SOMBRA: Sombra can hack a tracer while she recalls. The hack takes 6 frames and it takes 12 frames to recall. While the effect of Anas anti healing grenade is cancelled out, the hack is still effective. A solution would be to decrease the range of her hack ability so she needs to get in danger to hacke or that hacking would require aim similar to Moiras or Symmetries primary fire.
• TRACER: Instead of 150 health, she would be better off with 125 health and 25 shield.