Ow community continue to be perty

Can’t even go 1 game of no limits with venture Without the enemy team all swapping to hog and mauga, just running at you and never dying

When are we actually going to address those garbage designed tanks once and for all?

It’s not the game’s fault. If people are going to sweat just to win in a meme mode, then they are the problem, not the game

The devs should bring back the ‘only new hero’ mode like we used to have where you can only pick venture

Solves the entire issue

So stupid you’re trying to experiment with a hero and you get the entire enemy team go tanks and roll you.

How is that not entirely the game’s fault? It’s designed that way.

i’d be fine with such a mode, i’d play it for sure. better than waiting 1 million hours dps queue.

and in 2000 TFC was designed in a way where there are broken tactics to just completely stomp the opposing team in most maps with 0 chance whatsoever to even stand up unless they did the same. guess what, this never happened in pub servers. people were different back then, and wanted to have fun, not just win in a gamemode that did not matter at all in the first place.

honestly she is one reason i got off after getitng a dva potg…shes even more badly designed than mauga

I would 100% blame the dev’s for refusing to balance that situation and not the players who are playing within the rules given to them.

Getting stupid now

Both teams start out on venture
Enemy team loses first fight
Immediately swap to double mauga, pharah widow


Proof that even when given the choice of playing whatever they want people would rather just counterswap for the ez wins