Not needed, ashe is not really that bad and due to the current meta, its not time to be nerfing DPS yet, especially the only anti goats one
None of this is what the character needs, brig isnt in a bad spot right now, she just needs something like what i said, using whip shot, a more skillshot based ability, to disable mobility to make her a little bit better at killing mobility heroes, like she was intended,
I guess this is fine, i personally wouldnt touch dva yet, but i digress
Lucio is fine, no changes needed, he is jsut fine, you dont need to change him,
None of these is what he needs, personally, id remove fan the hammer completly and rplace it for a more utility ability like the one i proposed, With FTH out of the way, we can go and buff the rest of his kit without worrying making him a noob stomper
Not what she needs, personally, id just make it reload her ammo, then buff her wall a lil bit, mei isnt all that bad,
Needs more buffs, i agree with this change, But i feel like she needs a bit more, Maybe even a very VERY minor rework making fortify a resource meter-like ability like self repair
Not needed, rein doesnt need a nerf, buffing orisa will just do it
We dont need more damage creep, his damage was nerfed from 20 for a reason, it was just too much, let him reload while sprinting, buff his sprint and self heal a bit to further encourage on his utility rather than damage
She doesnt really need any of this changes, she just.needs a bit of raw dmg to be able to get kills herself without the help of her team and thats it
Not what the character needs, Her TP needs a huge buff, it has too many limitations, her Ult is very weak, her turrets need a cooldown reduction (more on this on my thread too)
First 2 are fine, rest are a big nope, turret is already UP as is, due to the nerf, you would be killing any kind of consistency he has by not letting him repair turret back up especially with the borked cooldown due tothe rework, also he needs more Base HP to survive without overload, maybe even remove it straight from overload
Tracer does not need buffs, at all, her winrate is due to not beeing meta favored, and due to her having a high skill floor, any winrate below diamond will always be low, So dont buff this nightmare of a hero,
I guess? I dont see why we need this,
Zen is fine, no.need to nerf
Overall i appreciate the effort but all of these changes seem empty and not really needed or just not solve the issues
This is my own thread like this, read it up (and comment on it if you can) feel like the changes i made are more on what the heros need