Ow Classis is amazing to experience

Truly, loving every minute of it. Feels like a whole new game trying to get used to how the characters used to be played.

I missed swooping in to a mass rez on point and turning the fight.

Torb passing out armor packs and upgrading that turret.

Bastion in his prime

I actually have fun on tank again! and I’ve been a support player since all these changes happened.

Truly hope this mode becomes a permanent fixture on the quickplay menu. Give us the option to play this and those that dont like it can stick with regular ow and whenever they get experiemental 6v6 for what it is now.

Me? Leave me with the old kits !

This mode isn’t meant to be taken seriously. Go in, be wild, crazy, feed the chaos, make plays you wouldn’t imagine doing in regular ow because you literally can’t any more and I could not be happier


Glad people are enjoying it…

Can’t wait till everyone wants to play dps and nobody wants support bc it’s just mercy Lucio zen

Bet mercy mains will love it tho

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This needs to not be an event but a seperate game altogether… I use to avidly play Overwatch and so did my wife… but 2, with all its comp restrictions, constant gameplay changes and random “you’ll play this type character” stuff made us both quit. We had hoped so much that as they had promised it was just OG expanded, with the promised story mode. It wasn’t its a different game just same assets.


I mean , it is what it is. All dps, so what. It’s meant to be chaotic and fun. that’s what it is. Had a 2 tank 4dps game that went to 1 tank and 5dps and we won against a 2 support 2 1 tank 3dps game. it was fun and everyone was actually talking in match chat. ENjoying themselves. Laughing at the plays trying to remember things dont do what we are used to.

It’s about having fun and playing what you want. I don’t care what others play. I play classic to not just play yet another mode like the game is already played.

I get it. I hate what they did to pve and i’m still holding out hope. Ow2 was just something to pass the time untim marvel rivals tbh but this mode actually makes me enjoy the game again. From someone who otp mercy, i’m actually playing tanks willingly! and dps . I’m enjoying 2cp. It’s chaotic, involved and fun! I’m greateful for it and I hope they expand on this


Yeah, no. Every game I played today was with 5 auto-locking DPS players and against the sweatiest meta-abusing try-hards.

I can’t even try to enjoy the experience because I’m forced to play a role I don’t want to (that or have a guaranteed loss because the character I can carry with sucks so bad, meaning I can’t do anything).

Not only that, but it also just reminds me so much about why I hate OW2, constantly having to play against the DLC characters with their horrendous designs in the regular version of QP.

One trick Hog in the mode. Which reminds me that play him a lot in the beginning

Ya I can see hog being very fun in this mode

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IMO the only thing missing in this mode is lock one hero per team. 6x widowmakers stacking is funny, but its annoyting at certain point (just an example)

That’s the problem, you think you have to carry the game. no one is forcing you to do anything. it’s meant to be fun and silly experience. Not a try hard. play w/e, do something different, however not everything they come out will be for everyone as someone will always hate something. Like every game mode they came out with, push , flashpoint etc i hate myself. its fine if you don’t enjoy it. you dont have to

yea they will bring that out next week. it will feel better for sure but i love the chaos


Its quite the experience!

This mode isn’t meant to be taken seriously. Go in, be wild, crazy, feed the chaos, make plays you wouldn’t imagine doing in regular ow because you literally can’t any more and I could not be happier

Nailed it with this description so well. :ok_hand: :ok_hand:


I don’t know how. It’s terrible.

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It’s called an opinion :slight_smile: You have yours even if I disagree. Same with mine, I think it’s awesome.


What’s fun about it?

Losing even faster because of this awful matchmaking and awful game balance. Wow I sure love wasting time grinding 15 for 4 different roles!

I already stated what I felt was fun for me in my post. obviously what I think is fun wont be fun for you because you dont think the game mode is fun

If you dont like it then dont play it :slight_smile:

Then tell Blizzard to stop adding fomo grind garbage.

You’re lying to yourself. This garbage isn’t fun.

If you dont think its fun then you dont have to. I how ever love it , like i said

Its possible for people to enjoy something that you do not.

Plenty of us love it, regular ow is still there for those to play that do not like it :slight_smile: no one is forcing you people to play

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It’s clearly a terrible version of OW. Take your glasses off.

Yeah. Its kind of fun in dumb way and though sym is garbage, i kind find myself giddy about 6 turrets and tp ult again.

Also, i never really realised you could reapply the shield health after it was lost. Even if its just 25 hp, its instant and spamablity was able to get me 1.5 k in mit. Not great, but eh its something.