Overwhelming evidence the shop is failing

Exactly, the appeal of whaling is usually pay 2 win and cosmetics are not pay 2 win. Although I’d argue anybody that has the chthulu Moira skin is a winner by default.


If a solution to breast cancer is ever developed, I would like to know what percentage of the funding was Pink Mercy.

In theory it has no value but there are plenty that buy Mercy skins etc… Supposedly the original $20 WoW mount made more money/profit than one of the SC2 expansions.


I think his point is that the battle pass was selling more than the skins are, not that these numbers are good or bad compared to other games. For that conclusion the steam trend is all we need if we assume that the distribution of sales within a platform are similar across platforms.

To OP: It could be that they’re keeping skins expensive because it makes the battle pass seem like it has more value. Say every skin cost 1$, then I bet fewer people would buy the battle pass. Not saying this is the case (because what do I know), but Blizzard could very well think it is. So in a way skins would exist as a funnel to get battle pass sales, in which case the strategy would be working as intended.

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Whenver i see a whale, i go out of way to target them if they are on the enemy team.

I see so many people saying that, meanwhile I’m over here not able to tell who has a skin and who doesn’t. And I definitely can’t tell how expensive the skin is they have…

Y’all spend too much time in the shop :face_exhaling:

Spent too much time in OW1 and know most of the bp skins? So if it isnt one of the ones im familiar with its generally a shop skin. Not very hard to piece together honestly.

I’ll never stop being surprised about how much people care about skins lol

You mean mercy mythic vs an obscure collab?

Next mythic will probably be dva.

Idc about skins. I care about people rewarding blizzard for terrible practices because they have poor impulse control. Nice attempt at a strawman though. I respect it.

If you know every battle pass skin that qualifies as caring about skins quite a bit, at least to me :woman_shrugging:

… well your thought process is incredibly flawed. Because i know of what is in my list of skins because of battle pass doesnt mean i focus on them. Instead of admitting your logic is flawed, you have now attempted some weird double down.

nah I just think it’s weird is all, nothing more to it :+1:

you’re definitely not the odd one out

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Oh, ok…

But it isn’t news… BP was always good investment for majority of players. Not only the mythic skin, but also bunch of cosmetics for other heroes… Just for 10 bucks… Compared to what? A single skin for 19? It’s not a rocket science.


What? OW has peaks in money making at a beginning of a season? What sorcery is this?

You dont need a crystal ball to know this… people buy the BP and ignore the shop (like 90% of the players) and even the shop skins so far SUCKED terrible.

No need to point out the obvious thing lol

Wait for the collab and that week is good again.

i guess what he means is that a collab alone isn’t enough to break even.

Call of Duty did better than ow

Probably Diablo as well.

Maybe people are starting to realize skins are boring and add nothing?

Why would I use Blizzard’s proprietary software when Overwatch is the only game I play from them, when I could just add it to the list of hundreds of games I already have on Steam? Easy choice for me, but I can’t speak for everyone.