Overwatch won't actually launch PC

i did this and this issue still occurs.

Hi all - look through your hardrives for any RzChroma and RZAPI - I found like 12 different files and they just kept popping up. Once I deleted ALL of them, I was finally able to play! Thanks for the tip <3

Just going to abandon the thread while there are tons of people having this same issue?

What is going on?


This worked for me.


I couldn’t find anything in there so i went ahead and made a support ticket. Thanks for the info Dusky!

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Ok looks like i’ve come up with a solution for me, if you have razer chroma/ synapse or whatever, open the software, and look for “connect” tab. Find Overwatch, and toggle off the app by clicking off “enable this app”.

This worked for me as well after trying everything else. Previously had a Razer Mouse and Chroma installed. Deleting RzChromaSDK64.dll allows the game to load.

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This also worked for me thank you. I wasn’t able to just search for the files so make sure that you manually scroll and find them in system32 folder in your c drive.

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THIS IS IT! I got it to work right after deleting the file, no restart either.

The file that i deleted to make it work as the rzchromaSDK64.dll within the system32 folder

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this worked! After 6 times! Thank you so much!

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Sorry, I don’t have these files. But there is a issue.

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So after trying the deletion of rzchromasdk and the api files with no avail. I updated my razer synapse and then downloaded Synapse 3 and it works with no issues.
So I would recommend updating synapse 2 to the most recent one and then downloading synapse 3 with the three chroma apps. I haven’t bothered signing in to synapse 3 just the downloading and install seemed to resolve the issue

Strix Sonic Studio closed & hey presto… Cheers guys

Almost a whole week of OW2 and the game cannot be launched when Strix Sonic Studio is active. I wish they would at least talk about their OW2 issues with different drivers or offer a workaround without losing the ability of certain software. Really annoying playing with Mono Sound and absolutely not sustainable for a game coming out in 2022.

Edit: I’ve been in contact with ASUS regarding the Sonic Studio issue. They said we’ve to wait till Blizzard fixes the issue.


After todays patch, it’s dead again…
Fix that bug pleaseeeeee
I don’t play “Fix Overwatch Simulator 2022” anymore.

I was facing the same problem, game just wouldn’t launch. I added it to the programs launched at system startup. After restarting my pc, it started. Wth?

Deleting these files worked for me, thank you!

Sonic Studio was it, wow… After a week at least i finally know what program was causing it. Ridiculous

I am having the same issue, I have tried all the tips and tricks from different people, I have deleted any aplications running in the back ground, I’ve tried reseting the in game settings, I have run the scan and repair, I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled the game twice now on two different Storage drives in my PC and i’ve uninstalled and re-installed battle.net I have also wound my cpu back to base clock speed to see if that was the issue. I have updated all my drivers graphics and windows, I’ve made sure the .exe file is not in read only. I have tried to run both battle.net and overwatch as administrator to no avail. the battle.net client will tell me that i’m playing now. my screen will go black and then a second later i am back staring at the client and the play button is illuminated again. I am not sure how to attach my dxdiag info but i have the file ready

I manage to solve this problem. Here is a list of things i did:

Things that didn’t help IMO:

  • Scan & repair function
  • Game update
  • Reinstall OW 2 times, tried different partition
  • All thing that are listed in official FAQ
  • Clearing temp files for Overwatch and Blizzard launcher
  • Update Windows
  • Restore old GPU drivers
  • Changing settings in GPU software (low latency mode etc…)
  • Disconnection mouse and other USB hardware expect keyboard at the start of the game

Things that I think helped the most:

  • Disabled/uninstall your additional antyvirus
  • Uninstall all additional peripheral programs such as Razer Central, Logitech launcher etc…
  • Set both Overwatch.exe and Launcher to launch in admin mode
  • Disabled fullscreen optimalization for Overwatch and Launcher

Hope it help you guys.