Overwatch will outlive Fortnite and many other games

Lol I read that and just thought “teen spotted”.

People aren’t even making clones of OW anymore and if nothing changes in the game, it will just fall into obscurity.

OW is not a bad game. It is just managed poorly… or should I say not managed at all.

It has a lot of potential but so far only Paladins has expanded on it.

I don’t know that it matters if Blizzard has iconic characters if it takes them infinite years to make one game.


You honestly think this game will last like league DotA or csgo?

This games not even 3 years old and it is already past it’s peak. When league, DotA and CS we’re 3 years old they were still rapidly growing.

Depends on what you mean by “outlive” You mean Blizzard will keep supporting it even long after it dies and the player-base is tiny out of some weird sense of pride?


Player feedback usually indicates the exact -opposite- of what the dev team is going to do. Which is why this…

Is extremely unlikely. Almost everything the devs have done in the past, what, half a year? Have made the game worse. The Symm rework was a failure, the Torb rework was a failure, the Hanzo rework caused a massive dip, Brigitte release broke the game, the FTH buff for McCree was exactly what everyone said he did not need, and now Reaper is going to get a buff to his lifesteal instead of a rework of Shadowstep to make it usable.

-MAYBE- if they bring in some of the team of HotS and kick Jeff off, the game can turn around and course towards a more enjoyable environment, but under the current dev team, I can’t see this game going anywhere but further down the drain.

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I would say that it’s not close to dying, the amount of players is steady, and in the past year after the original boom year, queue times have been the same. The OCE experience for the past year and a half has been 30 second to 2 minute queues at worst during the day, and for about 4 hours overnight the queues bump up to 1-5 minutes at worst. It’s been the same for the longest time, they have a stable playerbase in OCE. Just LFG in OCE never really took off because it took a considerable amount of time (15 minutes or worse) to put a team together PLUS the queue times, so LFG was dead on arrival for us.

Oceanias competitive scene also 3800+ has a problem since after the first year, games take a VERY long time to find, and most people just VPN over to EU and US servers to find games with people around the same skill tier, and ping thanks to the interpolation being pretty much always 20ms doesn’t affect your gameplay much at all, so that works well anyways, the problem in OCE is that we aren’t that big to begin with, but the results are the same as they have been for the last year and a half with no visible decline, none that you can measure by just looking at your queue times at least.

Masters and GM make up a VERY small amount of the playerbase to begin with, and that’s the reason why in a small region like OCE that the problem is exacerbated in masters+ by the already small region with that rank in comp making up a mere few % of the playerbase.

So OCE comp does kind of suck, and you won’t get the smoothest game on a VPN like having sub 20ms ping in comparison to the 200-300 ping, but that’s just because of where we live. The game is not dying out at all. When there is a better alternative than overwatch you may be able to say this, but overwatch is still king in its field, and doesn’t have any news of any overwatch killers in the foreseeable future.

I feel like that was a well detailed explanation right?

What is killing overwatch is that people are just tired of seeing the same heroes over and over again, every match:

Widow / Hanzo / Ashe / Genji / Tracer / Mccree

Rein / Zarya

Ana / Moira

We want to see new creative heroes, that are like wow thats new

Even if their not even that viable,

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I would say viability is kinda necessary for that one :stuck_out_tongue: otherwise they would be essentially the same, because you wouldn’t be seeing non-viable heroes and they would be


A game doesn’t need to be deleted from the earth in order to be “dead” Overwatch is the newest IP from Activision/Blizzard that died in less than 2 years and everyone hates it outside of this forum.

Losing players
Losing employers
Losing devs
Bungie ending contract with Activision
Updates extremely slow
No new events
No new mechanics
Broken concepts that does’t adapt.

Probably less than 100k around the world because in my zone (Central-South America ) the queues have been around 10-20 minutes in competitive above 3000 and usually people ends playing with golds-silvers-plats all the day with no rotation with new people.

They never listen to anyone not even PROS or popular streamers when it comes to changes, they NEVER listen to anyone look at the PTR servers why bothering asking people to test stuff if they NEVER refuses to listen? when a change that is hated by 100% of the community and even pros gets addressed to them what they do? nothing those changes hits the live server anyways.

Is not, OW is one of the most casuals game ever made for a multiplayer environment but at the same times its made to be really frustrating because you have less control about the match than any other moba/fps game. Doens’t matter how well you do you are the hands of a horrible matchmaking, horrible metas or just straight by playing with awful players.

This just plain bait or trolling almost everyone who gets asked about OW they just laugh and meme about " lol competitive ow xD, ow in 2019? nice drones "

Is an Icon of not to take care about your community, an icon of hate and frustration that nobody even remembers after leaving the game. Right now Activision doesn’t know what to do with OW that probably is going to be F2P soon because almost every week the game is under 50-80% discount.


Well unfortunately well never comprehensive data unless someone has been logging queue times religiously…I can only relay my personal experience…which is to say that in 2 years I haven’t noticed ANY difference in queue times while playing ANY game mode…if there are less people playing I sure as hell haven’t noticed

Is painful life dying from incurable desease for years and years is really better than quick painless death?

Sure WoW isn’t technically dead but it did piss off a ton of their players causing them to either stop playing or migrate to better games. There’s a ton of WoW players that left after its latest “meh” expansion to play final fantasy 14, for example. I know several people that were excited for its new expansion to come out only to stop playing it entirely after a couple weeks because it’s trash.

Just because something isn’t totally dead doesn’t mean it’s not in trouble and that it doesn’t need improvement.

So to this day you get matches within 10 seconds consistently?

I stopped playing the game in 2018 and even then I wasn’t getting matches in 10 seconds. It usually took minutes. Wanna know which overwatch he is playing.

What about just making a new thread rather than reviving a 7 month old one?

I don’t know that I’ve ever gotten within 10 seconds consistently…but 30 secs consistently? Yes

SC2 literally became a contest to see who has the fastest APM and can check the minimap the most for massive unit queues.

It was literally a meme that Korean players were the only good players, leaving everyone else in the dust. Literally you can count the non-Korean pros on two hands that still regularly place in competition.

The game got to the point where casuals abandoned the ladder completely in favor of playing custom game modes, and it forced SC2 to go free-to-play to bolster their ladder players.

Tell me again… SC2 isn’t dead?

Well just going off of title of course it will. Overwatch has a high shelf life I like to think, it’s sort of like League of Legend’s distant cousin. It’s constantly changing not just the gameplay but the characters.

I like to think as things progress the game will get easier and balance itself out.

It’s Fortnite, not Overwatch, that has crossovers with Disney.

Fortnite has 125 million players (Tencent confirms that 125 million players equates to 40 million players logging in to play every single month), over Overwatch’s last known publicized version of 40 million unique accounts (of which we know a large percentage are smurfs, and it never reaches 40 million concurrent players).

Fortnite that has a genuine story mode, over Overwatch’s seasonal limited time events and Archives missions that only get released once a year.

In terms of cultural significance and legacy, sure Overwatch got game of the year… but Fortnite left a bigger footprint on all major channels.

Also… Blizzard’s face isn’t Tracer.

Magni, Jaina, Sylvanas, Thrall, Kerrigan, and Raynor, are all easily more identifiable with Blizzard – hell, dwarf archetypes are literally in every single Blizzard IP.

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