Overwatch username changed on steam platform?

My battle.net username is Mashiro#12801, and my overwatch display name is also this when play with battle.net app. but after switch to steam platform, my display name in game changed unexpectedly, and i’m sure i have never change my name manually. Anyone know what happend and how can i change it back to Mashiro#12801?

my in game profile: s3.mashiro.top/view/2023/08/28/a9f33396b1c950910e0d95291ea10a40.png

my battle.net profile: s3.mashiro.top/view/2023/08/28/59b1d8712512e6233b0cac694319e7f5.png

sorry, i don’t know why i’m not allowed to insert link here, please add https:// to view the screenshots

You have streamer mode on, which masks your username in the game client.

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