Overwatch the game of leavers

Blizzard do you have any plans to fix the rate of leavers? On console 1 in for games last night had leavers. Today 1 in every 3.
Why should we be punished for other people leaving?
Do you have any plans to fix this?

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There is no way to prevent anyone from leaving if they want to leave

Increasing the penalty for leavers would help deter people from quitting during a comp game.
Atm the penalty for leaving is a joke.

Punishment doesn’t matter with unlimited alt accounts. Players can simply log on to another account.

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It also takes them quite a few hours to get to level 25. So it’s not like they can just make a new account then join.

Yeah, but once they have 2-3 accounts, they don’t have to care about leaving. Suspensions are real time, so it’s as easy as waiting while playing on another account.

Level 25 is a joke. Players should be required to get a star before playing comp.


Let’s remove the penalty all together than? Why even have one if they can just switch accounts?

Make it a game play time penalty, not real time. That way switching accounts is a useless way to avoid a penalty.

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The solution to the leaver problem already exists in other game modes - backfill.

All Blizzard need do is add it to Competitive with a few changes (such as making it opt-in) and it’d solve the leaver problem once and for all.

Not everyone who leaves does so intentionally.

It’s already unfair that people who leave unintentionally get punished at all, let alone making the penalty more severe.

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The penalty doesn’t help the players affected by the leaver

Leaving is not the problem its people not wanting to play with randos. The game will die because no one wants to stick through a game.

Game is dead

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Too bad for you, when I see at the start of the game the enemy team has 2 smurfs with 80% winrates on their heroes and I’m stuck with 2 legit new lvl 25 players I’m just gonna leave and get the game cancelled because there’s really no point in seeing such a game out.


No, but they have ways to make it so it doesn’t affect the others who didn’t leave on that persons team. And no, there is no fix. I have lost over 750 SR due to leavers and in that time only had 2 leavers on the other team. Recent match where I had a leaver on my team I lost 25 SR. It happened shortly after the timer to where the match would close. Yet, you win when the other team has a leaver and you gain almost no SR.

So yeah, they can fix the main issue at least.

An example of a solution: Your team has a leaver then you lose 0 SR. If you were grouped with that person then you lose the full SR. This will prevent people from leaving on purpose on 1 of their 10 accounts to help their friends not lose any SR. Then their buddies can decide if they want to group with them again or not.

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So why should the other 5 people suffer because of the odd chance that one person might dc. When most leavers, leave out of rage.

As for backfill. I’m personally not a fan of that. I don’t want to backfill a losing game. But people should have the option of they want to backfill.

I believe they made some changes to this not long ago. The leaver’s team loses a bit less SR, and the opposing team doesn’t gain as much for the win.

I could be wrong, but i swear i’ve been seeing less SR gains when an opponent leaves. Not sure about how much i lose, because the game doesn’t show your SR go down.

Yeah I’ve had people on the enemy team Leave 3/4 of the way way threw the game and I’ve only gained 15sr. What a joke.

Leavers just simply wait X amount of mins and they are good to go lol. It’s not hard. Leave game there and go do something and come back lmao. Blizzard won’t fix this. They don’t know squat

So true. They leave so fast too because they have a bunch of other accounts so it is like nothing to them and they could care less. The game goes on sale so much so $20 or less for a new account is nothing (PC anyways).

You cannot develop a system that can change people’s ability to leave if they want. And you also can’t develop anything that allows them to think before they act.

This is still abuseable, and at the very least promotes harassment.

I get that youre frustrated, but revenge doesnt fix the problem. These ideas have been debunked as ineffective over and over and over again.

As long as people can have multiple accounts, leaver penalties will do nothing. Increasing them just creates collateral damage

If you make it preferable to have someone leave a match rather than finish it, you will actualy INCREASE the amount of leavers

Backfill is the only real option that solves the actual problem

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