Overwatch Streaming Rewards Guide & Troubleshooting - CLOSED

Yes I can confirm that neither skin has popped for me. The lock symbol is still next to them

I am pleased to announce that my Sym skins have shown upā€¦ Iā€™m hoping there was just a delay and will still get the Mercy ones at the end of tonight. But it seems like things are working at least in part for me now.

@Wyoming- thanks for going above to help everyone here!

I also got Sym a couple of hours ago! I hope Mercy will show up later! :smiley:

I havenā€™t received anything, itā€™s a shame, I do everything that you offer me, but nothing helps

Update here. I just received my Mercy skins. So from my experience it looks like there is either a few hours delay or a problem somewhere in some of my previous viewing times

One thing I did take note of was that on Chrome browser you CANNOT be using an incognito page. This will still display the option to log in but it will not actually do so. You have to be using the standard open version

when in doubt, clear cookies out

Finally got the Mercy Contenders skin as well as Symmā€™s. Thanks for all the help WyomingMyst! :grin: :pray:

Would the skin pop up in the hero gallery while Iā€™m logged into OW or would I need to log out and back in?

If they arenā€™t going to, or canā€™t code in something to view the progress directly, they should at least put in some 0 effort sprays or icons to award that would allow people to track their progress in increments smaller than 8 hours.

This time on the schedule seems to be wrong according to this tweet
It starts 1 hour later.

Sitting with all four days of matches since the 28th watched, still no Mercy skin. I earned Sym on the 29th , but Mercy is still locked. This entire website method has been spotty at best, and iā€™m still missing the Grand Finals skin and spray, even though I watched both streams fully while logged in.

Did you clear your cookies?


I have a big question because I only miss Oct15 and Oct30 streams, I got Symmetra skin after the Oct22 Korea Grand Finals, but until now, this month stream is done and I still not receive the mercy skin. I watch the stream over 15hrs, use the same PC and browser, clean the cookies every day, the green bubble always there, and I donā€™t have the skin.

Actually yes, and its never been an issue until recently. I never missed drops during regular league streams of any kind. Also promo streams (ex. Tracer comic) worked just fine for drops. The contenders drops are my first major issues aside from the Grand Finals.

i donā€™t have them and now i find out they wonā€™t be around next month, not only is this bullcrap, but now i want to get rid of my Genji skins that i got

i got symmetra skin after oct22 korea grand final and 26 china 29 eu but i saw 29 na and 30 eu,na and 31eu,na even watch 1 eu,na(i live asia) but i cant get mercy skin.
i did cookie delete and pause adblock but i cant get :frowning:

I think something to keep in mind is that you have to "watch" the actual stream and have it in a focused tab at all times. You just canā€™t go off browsing in another tab or play Overwatch while tabbing in and out of the game. Twitch drops work different where you can actually do stuff in different tabs and w/e you want.

How I got the Symm and Mercy skins is that I literally left my laptop on the contenders website all day for three live streams. And I used my main PC to do w/e else I wanted to do without having to close anything since my hours were clocking in on my laptop.

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Hiya, iā€™m on PC, watched 7 hours and got the Sym skin fine, then Iā€™ve watched well over 15 hours and not recieved the Mercy skin yet. I tried on both Microsoft Edge and Firefox, I was logged in with the Green dot but no luck.

I had to get confirmation, but yeah its going to be 11 AM Pacific Standard Time (remember Daylight Savings Time Ends tonight!) and it is confusing the heck out of everyone (including me).

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