Overwatch Streaming Rewards Guide & Troubleshooting - CLOSED

No, YouTube direct connection linking is not yet available for Contenders broadcasts

No, it said I was logged in the top right corner but the green light was still missing, the ‘Log in now’ message and sign in button in its place. Tried on both Edge and Chrome.

Going to err on the side of caution and stick with the mobile site since it has the Green light.

I did these and I have no green dot. The stream works just fine I can see it but it is still asking me to sign in even though in the top right I see my name.

That’s weird because I have the green light working on my end at this moment using Chrome. If you are on a mobile device and it is working, then stay there.

I’ve also followed the instructions about clearing cookies, signing out and relogging back in and no green dot has appeared.

Tried the troubleshoot posted about 10 minutes ago and still not getting the green light to show. Log in seems bugged for me too. I can log into Contenders but OWL I can’t.

On mobile, the green light is there but when I hit my username it shows:


I’m logged in on the contender’s site and the stream is playing but the Contender’s Viewership Rewards do not seem to be activated because there is still the orange box with Log in in the bottom right corner of the stream.

I was already logged into the Contenders Site (presumably from watching from last month or from the June Joust), but did not have the green dot.

I needed to manually remove battle.net cookies. Strangely, upon re-loading the page it did not ask me to re-authenticate to log back in. But I do have the green dot now.

(I am a little worried that the green dot is lying to me. shrug)

Okay I just got word, if you see the green light staying on, you are good to go and should not refresh or sign out (unless you start lagging for any reason).

Keep trying to refresh or swap browsers if you are not yet getting the green light. Right now I got my main account working on Google Chrome, and my secondary account working on a separate computer using Microsoft Edge.

They are actively working on the issues as we speak.


Thanks for the update. I tried Chrome and Firefox, but couldn’t get the green dot to show. Ended up digging an old tablet from like 2015 out of storage and got the green dot to show up on there.

Desktop still bugged after multiple cookie lears and log/in-out/refresh.

Looks like it works on my phone though

same here , no green dot , it says in an orange box sign in while im signed in

edit: for some reason i just refreshed and it appeared

When did they say they’d remove characters from the game ?

I haven’t watched all OW2 videos yet so I’m kinda late on the news maybe

They being a bit of a troll, Shadowstorm, and overreacting to news and lack of details about Overwatch 2 and trying to express their emotions in other topics that don’t relate to it.

The last PvP update video for Overwatch 2 showed some homogenization coming to the game. All heroes get Mercys passive HP reg, all heroes can sprint, and skills arent that important in general (Mei for example can no longer freeze). People are afraid that it will lose its heroshooter flair and just become another teamshooter.

This thread is the only one I still visit from the OW forum because of toxic players and trolls that are on 24/7 just about everywhere in the general forum

Hey everyone, there are now reports of getting a straight up 404 error if you go to PTP Contenders Homepage | Contenders

To work around this go to Contenders ENGLISH Live Stream Page | Contenders

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Bastion current form is gone ama dev video said there changing all hero’s.

On the Contenders Website, I’m able to get confirmation that I am signed in on the top right of the page, by clicking on my name and seeing account settings/log out. However, under the video player itself, it gives me the prompt to log in as if I am not already signed in and there is no green circle indicating the video is counting.

That just makes it even worse. Because the reason I paid the money back then to get the pass and bits was because I wanted the skins. That’s what exclusive means- unavailable elsewhere. Hell they’re still claiming they’re exclusive now, which is clearly false.

See I want to finish my old school Valiant set. If Blizz can give away my ‘exclusive’ skins why can’t they let me buy some that were never exclusive?

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