Overwatch Streaming Rewards Guide & Troubleshooting - CLOSED

Same thing here. Its saying for me to sign in but I already am and no green dot also.
I already cleaned cookies and relogged but the problem still there.

No green light and it’s also telling me to sign in when I already am.

Getting this when logged in on mobile:



That is an issue affecting multiple BattleNet enabled websites. I have reported this in but based on past experience with watching Overwatch League, it does not affect the hours watched.

Nevertheless I do believe this will NOT affect hours tracked. Yes, I have reported this issue directly to Blizzard and they are investigating.


It was doing this for me up till a minute ago; refreshing still has the problem with the battletag described below, but the green circle is active now.

I logged in the web and AGAIN under the video window…
That’s strange, but every event it’s an adventure with Blizzard’s streamings.

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Good call on the mobile. I can confirm green dot there.

Honestly, I’d assume there’s just a glitch on the desktop site for having a “dummy” sign in page there that’s covering the green dot. I think it will still log hours accurately, but I also don’t want to risk losing hours because the green dot wasn’t explicitly visible.

Confirmed here, too. Desktop version is back to expected Green Dot!

No green dot on desktop here. Clearly not fixed for everyone.

Yeow, Please refresh your page (presss Ctrl+F5)

I’ve tried multiple refreshes and can confirm the Green Dot is sporadic.

I’ve done multiple refreshes and it has not appeared.

Please click your BattleTag on the top right corner, click Sign Out, refresh the page, sign back in again, and try playing the video again. (I just tried that and it worked for me.)

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The log out button is currently bugged as well, had to clear cookies to log out.

When you signed back in did you get the green light once you started the video player?

Sign out goes to Error 404 page

Yep, just go back to PTP Contenders Homepage | Contenders if that happens.

Im still signed in even after I click log out

Can we watch it on Youtube?

No has to be through the site

Clear out your web cookies as a precaution…

a. Go to OverwatchLeague.com/en-us/contenders and see if the stream is still lagging or has a black screen
b. If so, please right-click the :lock: icon next to the URL of the website.
c. Click Cookies
d. A list of web cookies will be shown, click each cookie and select remove
e. Press Ctrl+F5 to do a hard refresh of the page
f. Sign back into OverwatchLeague.com with your Blizzard Account
g. Try to see if the stream starts to work

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