Overwatch Streaming Rewards Guide & Troubleshooting - CLOSED

Hey. I also just checked, got delayed 15 tokens now im also at a total of 75. Thanks for letting me know to check

But I watched it for 17 hours.I didnā€™t get an echo.
I got it brigitte.I donā€™t know whatā€™s wrong,Maybe I need to watch it for another 7 hours?

ys, from the owl site.

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Same here. day 2 West got me 25 tokens. A total of 75 tokens until now.

Iā€™m getting tokens now! Does anyone know when weā€™ll get the spray?

I am expecting the spray to arrive some time later after the weekend. Remember, it is not yet patched in the game.

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Never gonna get the sprayā€¦ the overwatchleague website logs me out all the time

only just realised itā€™s been happening to me :sob:

Iā€™ve been watching since yesterday and Iā€™ve only gained 5 tokens because the website logs me out all the timeā€¦

Iā€™ve been logged out 2 times in the space of 5 mins gkdfgkfkfdkdsdasdsa

Which platform are you watching on?

Try these steps

  1. Swap your web browser and if necessary your device.
  2. Clear your cookies, remove (donā€™t just disable) all AdBlockers
  3. If necessary, swap from OverwatchLeague.com to YouTube and connect your BattleNet account

Okay thanks :slight_smile: I logged in via another browser on my PC if that donā€™t work I guess Iā€™ll finally have to figure out my YT pass cause i barely use the site lol

So far iā€™ve not been logged out but itā€™s only been a couple mins, hope I have enoughtime to get the skin still lol

edit: nvm already been logged out again on microsoft edge LOL

Not gonna lieā€¦ if the website isnā€™t working for owlā€¦ for meā€¦ what will I do about the Contenders Moira skin when it comesā€¦ holyā€¦ thats terrifying. 15 hours of trying to fight a website that barely keeps you logged in for 2 mins

15 tokens from day 2 EAST. A total of 90!

I quite honestly hope that they give us new Grey OWL Skins instead of re-releasing old ones again :sleeping:

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I watched every game till now and I only got 15 points. Some of the games were on youtube and some on overwatchleage. The thing is I got points normally before and I checked all the troubleshooting points. Any one having same issue?

Tokens from youtube are expected to delay. You should receive them within 24 hrs if there are no other problems.

If you watched every game including the encore matches. You should receive 90 tokens.

It looks like I got 20 tokens for Day 2 East matches. Iā€™m at 95 tokens for this weekend.

I only watched half of the encore matches yesterday. That should be the reason. Thank you for your reply.

Seems like todayā€™s encore is not on the main page but rather on a separate one. I donā€™t like that. :frowning:

Iā€™m watching it from the main OWL page right now. The encore is a part of the Day 3 West stream.