Overwatch Streaming Rewards Guide & Troubleshooting - CLOSED

you sure that tracer that is shown in the intro that tracer in owl skin light grey and orange isn’t winnable or that Reinhardt owl skin will ever be available?

Like my Earthquake Doomfist skin. And Blizz washed their hands… :upside_down_face:

We don’t know what skin will be available yet, but I do know one hero will be picked to be earned on May 7th and 8th.

is it just me or does Youtube watch time does not count correctly ?
Matches lasted around 3+ hours last night/ yesterday and only got 10 tokens ?
Sad to see it’s still not working as intended


Worked for me, thank you.

Hey, I have a question: if we watched the full show yesterday plus some hours today, we should already have the Soe spray, right? The required watchtime is 4 hours, isn’t it?

that is correct :slight_smile:

That should be correct. Remember, it simply is not ready in the game client yet.


Oh, okay, didn’t know that, thanks for the heads up!

Just a heads up: I’ve watched another 3 hours after troubleshooting and I still haven’t gotten any token drops. Youtube is still a mess to use. Make sure you’re using the actual website.

Try to check later on, from what I am understanding the YouTube platform delivers the drops much later. OverwatchLeague.com is more responsive and instant.


Encore matches give OWL tokens as well right or no?

Question regarding the overwatch league perks from tourney viewing
I see the OWL theme skins “gray/white” are like the OWL skins in the past that came from twitch viewing.
My question is will they give a chance to re-earn skins that were offered during the twitch days? “this is assuming they are the same skins”

If I leave my tab open on the live in 2hrs stream and not refresh will i still get tokens or will I have to refresh to get the tokens? This is for youtube.

Yes, they are the same skins. This is a new release, so if somebody have already the “twitch” skins, it will be repeated (like a lot of us with Tracer’s, but this time we’ll get the white variant too (it’s a bit weird to read “these skins includes both…” and in fact some of them are only the grey/copper variant, like Moira, McCree, etc).
So we’ll simple wait to know what skins will be available.

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Hmm that also makes me curious about the pacing of the skins, for instance, if it’s literally only one hero per tournament., it will take forever to collect them all. There are only 4 tournaments this year

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I think they still reward tokens. This is from the OWL webpage:

“ Encore matches are different from normal match VODs because you can still earn viewership rewards and enjoy watching together with other fans on our YouTube channel, website, or mobile app as they air.”

Also, I gained 25 tokens from APAC broadcast.

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same here, a total of 40 tokens from day 1 broadcast. 15+25.

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Which platform did you watch on?

I also earned 40 tokens, like Ikhoward. I watched through the OWL website with the pink dot active.