Overwatch Streaming Rewards Guide & Troubleshooting - CLOSED

Dang looks like I missed an hour :frowning:

Don’t feel bad I missed like 2.5 hours last night after stay up to 4 am :frowning:

I recieved the echo skin. Check your accounts. Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy! Have a good day :slight_smile:

Yup! Just got the Echo skins too! :smiley:

Received Echo here too.

got my echo skins , brig skin here i come .

So the current stream started 2 hours ahead of schedule. I know the schedule here didnt reflect the recent time change, but regardless the stream would have started earlier than scheduled. :thinking:

How did yall got it so early? :face_with_raised_eyebrow::flushed:

The previous stream lasted about 5 hours. So we just had to watch an extra 2 hours during this EU stream.

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Summer time switch (+1 hour)

Is Brig supposed to be 7 hours?

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Last two streams counted for it. Both this morning and now one have worked (I’m from Europe, so this morning I have one and the actual one counts too).

Echo is for 7 hours and Brig is for 15

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Oh it says Echo is for 15 and Brig 7 it’s misleading

Wow nice congrats on getting echo!

And thats was it for EU , NA starts in about an hour .

Any idea on how long will it last?

I made a mistake, and will be fixing it shortly.



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