Overwatch Settings Issue Widowmaker

Normally when playing Widow, when I fire, the gun recoils and returns back to its original place. I was messing with some graphics settings and I restarted the app, but when I played Widow the camera and crosshair moved a little to the left or right after I fired (while scoped). It wasn’t always like this and it’s bothering me. How do I fix it?

Do you have this setting set to “On”?

Hmmm, actually, now that I go into the practice range, I see what you mean. I guess I never noticed the slight horizontal movement because I’m always AD strafing.

I’ve asked a bunch of people and they say they don’t have any deviation. And I used to not have any either… Also yes its on but ive tested with it off it doesnt change anything

It moves for sure. I have a new install of windows, so I need to reinstall OBS to capture it.

Ok thanks. Do you think it was in a new update but my game hadn’t updated until i restarted it or something? Also thanks for the help

Not sure. Like I mentioned, this is the first time I’ve payed attention to it.

My aim style is usually a lot more flicky, so it might only really effect those that use a more crosshair-placement focused style, like you’d see a lot in CS and Valorant.

Oh ok. Thanks for the help!

I usually aim like a crazy person with Widow, so I never let the crosshair “settle”. xD


nice flick damn lol .