Overwatch series on a streaming app?

I’ve noticed that the Overwatch 2 campaign hasn’t materialized, and while the animated shorts are spectacular, they only provide glimpses into the heroes’ stories, leaving eager fans to piece everything together. Considering the extensive source material available, creating an animated feature film or sequels might be a challenge—something exemplified by the Warcraft movie in 2016. However, has Blizzard or Legendary Entertainment ever considered developing an animated Overwatch series for premium streaming platforms like Peacock, MAX, or Hulu?


an animated programming would be appreciated but i don’t know how useful it could be for the game itself. let me explain: the problem of the lore is also in the way it spreads its information, spammed online for years but in the game they are only mentioned. trivially, not even the biographies of the website are inside the game. the media page does not have a real chronological order, and even the videos on youtube or the codex with the invasion dlc have a terrible chronological organization.

in a few words: an animated series can make us passionate about heroes, but… it does not solve the problem that the lore is really accessible to those who do not know it only through the wikia or to those who have the memory to remember what was published previously.

often a playable story campaign helps enormously this type of contextualization, because it is the original media (the game) that explains the lore to you, not another media outside of it. ideally an in-game timeline-hub would be the best thing to recover the info you are looking for about a certain hero that catches your attention at that moment, but… it doesn’t happen.

an animated series could be a great success, but it also has another problem: blizzard is terrible at combining two products from its own franchise to enhance each other. look at how little effort they put into publishing the book declassified, literally the only narrative source of overwatch in recent years that puts some order into the lore. it hasn’t even been translated into all the languages ​​that the game supports, and it isn’t even mentioned among the recommended purchases on the website. with what assumptions should it then publish it on platforms that (no offense, usa) in europe are far less widespread than a prime video or a netflix?

Ooooh you hear that Blizzard…? Mefionir says you can’t do it! Oh well probably for the best…who knows maybe Pixar or perhaps Netflix could create a more successful knock off…I guess we’ll never know…*sigh

I just expressed skepticism based on how Blizzard has always handled things, I didn’t say it can’t be done. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: If you want to argue, you also have to accept any considerations contrary from the optimism (you know, it’s a “forum”).

Sorry Mefionir, no disrespect. My reply to your initial response was just a sad attempt to use reverse psychology on Blizzard. Hope it works :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Well, they had a deal with Netflix…

Then Bobby Kotick tried to sue Netflix.

Now they have no deal, the IPs are less attractive, so no one’s that fussed about buying the licence to do it.

Also, Arcane proved that if the community isn’t right, it won’t help the game. LoL saw no real increase in players as new people dipped in, saw how horrific the players were and walked away.

They were supposed to and were already in the works with Netflix for an animated series. But then one of Blizzard’s employees quit Overwatch to work with Netflix, Blizzard got salty, and cancelled all of those plans with Netflix.