Overwatch Season 9 Official Patchnotes

Sounds like they wanted him at 0.35m hitbox instead of 0.4. I do think rat gets hit harder than most by the hp increase, but 0.4m is a pretty damn huge hitbox.

I’m curious to see their follow up changes to heroes performing too well or poorly after the first few weeks.

Stopped reading right here. He lost his combo he’ll be nowhere near fine.

So did hog, queen, Sojurn, etc, etc. that’s the entire point of the update. To get rid of cheesy combos that get you deleted from the game without even having a chance. Like a junkrat main actually cares at all about real balance. Lmao


The patch is trash, you’re the same guy asking for snipers to get nerfed and here they’re. Your Junkrat got nerfed as well

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There’s a breakpoint in Junk’s case. Since they aren’t rescaling maps, and doors are the same size, it doesn’t make sense to increase his projectile size as much as everyone else’s. He can land his projectiles without being in line of sight and they bounce, so he needs to be handled differently.


Sigh ok lets get into it.

You complain about his combo and say it’s fine for it to go away.

While also praising good use of it here:

Then complain about spam:

While being happy about the current changes that buff spam.

This is a nuke level nerf to high rank Junks and a buff for metal ranks. Make up your mind since it seems like you actually just want him to be easier to play but also trash in high ranks. But then again you did go full mask off on not caring about balance so I guess that makes sense. You want imbalance.

I’m going to give you the chance to not act like Junk is anywhere close to good or has ever been anything but a long term D tier hero.

I don’t think I have, actually. I’ve been fine with Widow since her last nerfs.

Junk is no where close to D tier level. You’re showing your bias hardcore. Phara, Cree, torb, reaper, and sym are all objectively worse the junk right now.

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“Long term” as in he’s one of the heroes who has spent more time in the dirt than the others.

Also no, he is not good right now.

The absolute irony. You started this conversation out by saying it’s good that a hero is going to be trash, then switched to saying he’ll be fine and are saying he’s ok now. You admitted to wanting imbalance. Nothing you say about balance should be taken seriously or assumed to be in good faith.

like seriously. Why nerf when all hp are increased. Such :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

This is IRONIC lmfao

Lets all rejoice in Junkrats nerfs, particularly because Toast has been saying for months “he’s likely to be buffed because he’s F tier” hahahaha

Pharah hype meters rising. She looked really fast in the video leak and it seems like they buffed her a bit more here from the leaked notes.

Waiting to see who else exposes themselves as bad at the game lol

You’re a hitscan player that struggles vs. a Junkrat.

Take a seat, AKJ.