Overwatch not launching correctly

what do you mean at the bottom is there top to?

hey yings does it has a download thing and just stays there? and doesnt do anything

Hey yings,

You can get the full file by opening the MSinfo, then going to File > Export. Then email that file to us.

hey um Zenlaka i have a problem i need help

Hey Tobi,

Since yings started this thread, we are trying to provide troubleshooting for them. If you need help, it’s best to create your own thread for your situation and include your personal DxDiag so we can provide individual troubleshooting. This will help avoid confusion or miscommunication as these issues are often caused by different problems.

hold up i think i maybe just retarded

yep i’m it had to have it to be restarted srry for wasteing ur time

have a great day man or woman

Bit late but @zenlaka I do not see export. Edit: Save as is export?

Hey yings,

After you open the MSinfo window, you should see File on the top left. That drop down menu will have Export which will let you save the file.

Here is a screenshot which may help.

Okay I have done it.

Awesome, just get that file emailed over to us and we will take a look!

Emailed! again thank you for putting in time for my issue.

Hey yings,

It looks like you do have Razer Chroma software installed, even if you don’t have Razer products. I would suggest following these steps.

Wow! I had no clue Thank you Edit: the steps dont really help me I am more rather confused. Edit: another edit I did everything and Nothing has solved this issue, I am very confused why it is happening but I have to go to bed its 10 pm now so if you reply again I will be sure to see if you have found a solution

Hey yings,

At this point, it may be best to create a support ticket with a new MSinfo file attached. Make sure to link to this forum thread and include a list of the steps you have tried.