Overwatch Nintendo Switch Lite - Voice Chat not working

I cannot get the voice chat on overwatch on Nintendo Switch Lite to work with my Turtle Beach Ear Force Recon 200 headset. I can hear the gameplay in my headphones, but the microphone does not seem to be giving any output and my friend in the group with me on overwatch cannot hear me and I cannot hear them either, all I can hear is the game itself. I’ve used the default audio settings in overwatch (auto-join), as well as trying to switch all chat settings to “On”. My microphone is not muted and I have it set to “open mic” in the audio settings. I also have my headset switched to “xbox” as that’s what the headset recommend for voice chat on the Nintendo Switch (I researched and this headset is compatible with Nintendo Switch). I have already contacted Nintendo with this issue and they asked that I contact Blizzard. I’ve also tried using some standard earbuds with a microphone (like the kind that come with your cellphone) and that did not work either, so I am confident the issue lies within the game itself, and not the console or the headset or earbuds. Is there anything else I can try?

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What kind of network are you using? Is it a home network? School? Business? And what country are you playing from?

I’m using a home network and USA

Just to make sure, are you in on-the-go mode and not docked? Evidently it doesn’t work while docked.

And have you seen this guide:

It’s a switch lite, it can’t be docked

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Oh, I missed that detail in the OP, plus I’ve never played on the Switch :upside_down_face:.

I don’t know if a phone headset normally works with the Switch Lite. Does it work for other games or voice chats? If yes, then there may be an issue with router ports that need to be open and connection strength required for Overwatch voice chat. If not, then I would think it’s a hardware issue.

The staff may have more ideas/info about this particular case, but I’ll keep looking for a solution in the meantime.

Edit: Everything I’ve found says it works for Nintendo Switch, but haven’t seen any confirmation about the Lite version. I have no idea if it makes a difference, but felt it’s something to note. I’m leaning towards network issues for the Overwatch voice chat.


Yes, there is no docking for the lite. To my knowledge only Overwatch and Fortnite support the native voice chat feature that was built into the game. I don’t play/own Fortnite, but I have Diablo 3 - I’m not sure if Diablo also utilizes the native feature and supports voice chat with a headset on the switch or not, but I could try it on there, if it does.

Most all of the other games for switch use Nintendo Online’s phone app to voice chat, which is basically like talking on the cellphone while playing. Lol. Not my preference, as I would like to simultaneously hear gameplay and my friend and not have to worry about holding my cell phone while I’m playing.

Also, I looked at your article and unfortunately I’ve already exhausted all options in Overwatch’s “Sound” settings to try to get this to work. I am not sure if I’m missing something or doing something wrong. I just downloaded the game on Switch, I usually play on xbox so I’m not familiar with Switch’s voice chat at all. It could be user error, but I’ve tried the default sound settings (which is ‘auto-join’) as well as switching everything to “On” and switching the “push to talk” to “open mic”.

Hey there,

A few other things that come to mind that might be worth trying:

  • Reinstall Overwatch on the Switch
  • Try connecting from a different wifi network, like at a friend/family member’s place or through a mobile hotspot.

With the Switch being a closed system there may not be much more we can recommend as far as troubleshooting, but we’ll definitely be on the lookout for any other reports of voice chat not functioning on the Switch version.

To summarize for people who randomly google this thread: if voice chat in Overwatch on Nintendo Switch stops working for you, archive and re-download the game. All your skins will still be there.

Hi! I had the same problem and looked far and wide for an answer with no success. How I finally got the voice chat on nintendo switch to work again was by archiving and reinstalling Overwatch on my switch.

My best guess is that I was messing around with the Parental Control setting on the switch, which caused something to turn off voice chat in Overwatch, but wasn’t turned back on even after I had deleted the Parental Control settings.

I was worried that archiving the game would delete my data (SR rank, skins, etc) on the Switch, so I created a blizzard account and connected it to my Nintendo profile (there’s a menu option for this somewhere in the game), but it turned out to not be necessary, because when I re-downloaded the game after archiving it, all my stuff was still there.

Hope all this helps. We got another year they say until herd immunity reaches the point we can go into a movie theater, so try to take care of yourself through the pandemic.

I mean, thanks, but all this did for me was leave me waiting 5 hours while overwatch slowly reinstalled. And my mic still doesn’t seem to work

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@poothy I’m having this issue too and found a workaround elsewhere, which although not ideal seems to at least unmute the mic. I had set my settings as you have, auto join, open mic etc with no joy as I always seem to be muted when checking the social menu when in game.

If you power off the switch completely (don’t put it to sleep / power save etc) plug your headset in and turn it on the headset isn’t unmuted and when I talk the game registers my speech by showing my name on the screen.

Now, I haven’t actually heard anyone talking yet as the matches I join don’t generally have people with voice chat in but it’s early days and hope to fully test in a vocal group/ team soon.

I’m sorry about that. Also damn I was also wrong about being able to safely go to a movie theater by January.