Overwatch needs role queue

Competitive has become a mess and if nothing is done to LFG it will stay that way.
Seriously whats so hard about adding it? You want players to have the choice and not be forced to play 2-2-2? Every game is already 2-2-2 unless your team is toxic :joy:. Its already the standard so using LFG to play in 2-2-2 doesn’t make any sense it should be the other way around. Use LFG if you want 5 dps (not that it doesn’t work) heck you can even make it so ever match has 1 tank, 1 dps and 1 support + 3 flex players but do something!

Here is why I think role queue is needed.
Nobody is trying anymore and as a result have no representation of their SR, I know it get old lul Mercy main but its true if a Mercy main decides to Genji with no playtime at all its basically throwing. One of my recent games had a tank player who had 90% of his playtime on tanks play doomfist with a total playtime of 12 minutes in all modes. He was just feeding things like that are unacceptable in a competitive mode its like smurfing just the other way around.

So here is how you can fix that, add SR to each role. Lets say you are a 4000 SR dps player but want to play tank for your next game even though you are not as good with tanks. The Matchmaker will look at your stats and see that you are around 3000 SR so you will be matched with Diamond players.
This way you can always be sure that players are performing according to their skill level.

The only drawback of Role Queue is you can’t change your role mid game, but what if you are a flex player and have the same rank on multiple roles? In my opinion its okay to change roles if you can bring the same performance.

Oh btw this would mean you would have to play 30 placements instead of 10 to play all heroes :slight_smile:

It has role queue… use the group finder

Nobody likes using it do I have to explain why?
Did you even read the post? A SR based role queue matchmaking would fix the game balance better than anything.

Finding matches would take so long though. Its not worth the 8 minute queue per game.

Honestly, that’s why I have so many accounts in which I limit my roles.

Roles in overwatch are extremely complex, though. It’s not as simple as “You have diamond stats”, stats have no say in rank. And it’s not as simple as “you play tanks”. I am a very good Zarya, but my Roadhog is meh at best, same with my Rein. If I enter a role queue as a tank, there’s a lot of variability in skill just within that role. Even in the off-tank role I have a lot of variable skill.

I think Blizzard has thought about this a lot: its not a unique idea. And if they decide to implement it, there are going to be nuances that they have thought through fully.

I will support them when they come up with an appropriate design.

Group finder doesn’t have MMR calculations or ping time gating. You end up with DPS your rank that hasn’t played since season 2 and DPS from Asia with 300ms+ ping times. The time it took to build that team, with people dropping as you try to check profiles and such, you could have played 2 full comp games.

LFG is garbage unless your boosting or deranking.

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