I feel like we could use this right now.
Reinhardt when the enemy rein’s shield is at max health and he is not going to drop it
I feel like we could use this right now.
Reinhardt when the enemy rein’s shield is at max health and he is not going to drop it
When you get booped into the Ilios Well and none of your teammates go to help you. Now you slowly descent into the void as your teammates complain about no heals.
Don’t mind me, just enjoying the memes as a level 0 user
Ah me too, don’t worry🍿
When you think you’re slick at Mercy and have mastered GA but then accidentally glide of the map but pretend as if you lagged out.
Or if you slide right into the enemy team and die.
“U - Uh oh, I don’t know what just happened there guys, the game froze or something…!”
I always get cocky with that. I usually think the enemy will get disorientated with me GA overshooting into their faces but now they just usually kill me. :[
I have turned gliding into a habit, so I’m doing it unintentionally all the time…