Overwatch Megre "ACCOUNT CHANGED" issue

All of us are so confused.

There are a good amount of players with this issue, and its not being talked about enough, all we want is our items from OW1 to transfer, yet we have no clear answer on this.

Regarding the merge, some of us have ran into the issue with our accounts saying “Account Changed” in red instead of “Confirmed” in yellow/orange, and because of this none of us have gotten our items transfered. We are constantly asked to confirm our accounts for merge, and upon holding down A/X it tells us “Your accounts have been confirmed!” only to ask us as soon as we open the game or leave a match to confirm our accounts again.

Its the same with the migration queue. Once we reach the end, we are told that our “Accounts are ready for merge, please reset your game” and once we reset, were either thrown into another migration queue, or are told the exact same thing again.

We dont know what this issue is or how to fix it. We have no clear answer. We were told that the red “Account Changed” was fine, and once our accounts are merged via connections its okay, but because of it saying “Account Changed” we cant get our stuff.

Hopefully this spreads enough for blizzard to catch on.


Same with me. I have a huge amount of hours in this game. A massive amount was unlocked.

All I’m getting is “In Queue” which constantly resets! And “Account Changed”. It’s starting to bother me now. I enjoy the game a lot more with all of the skins, emotes and voice lines I have unlocked over the years.

The game feels far more shallow without the unlocks. No way I’m spending hundreds on getting them back.

It’s not right that 80/90% of people have their accounts merged and all their progression over the years there for them, and we are stuck with nothing. Needs to get fixed.


I’m experiencing the same issue, i was prompted to confirm my account on pc but i chose skip for now because i wanted to confirm i had the right accounts connected.

After that i haven’t seen the option to even confirm my account for the merge.

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agreed i had same issue with account changed and every time i relaunch to get migration done im put in another queue of waiting and i have also lots oftime in the game im not restarting. pls fix blizzard n1 priority of bugs. u promised we would have our skins back and now there not here pls fix for the missing 10 percent who have nothing. :slightly_frowning_face:

the exact same thing is happening to me with the “account changed” text, I’ve been trying to merge since OW1 but it hasn’t been letting me and its really upsetting considering I’ve spent lots of money on the game and now I’ve lost everything. I really hope Blizzard fixes this.

Same thing, no communication.

I posted this in another thread:

To anyone who has “account changed” - Someone shared a fix with me and I finally got my stuff back! You have to connect the original battlenet account to the console account, wait about half an hour, and the merge will complete. When they say there is a year cooldown it’s for linking NEW console accounts. There’s no wait time to re-link a previous account. Hope this helps!


Been having problems with merging, Do you think making a new Battle.net account would work and I’d get all my stuff back?

This solution will help some of us, and thank you for sharing this information!

Unfortunatly for the rest, myself included i can no longer access my old bnet acccount, therefore the ball is back in blizzards court

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Yeah same I cannot access that account , and it shouldn’t be an issue if I switch BATTLENET accounts because all my cosmetics, characters, etc. Are in my Xbox account and I confirmed the BATTLENET account switch multiple times. All this for just basically an update :neutral_face::neutral_face::neutral_face:


Huge Update:

There was an update for OW for me, regarding the merge

It gave us a second chance to confirm our accounts!

Regarding the merge, it no longer says account changed and now says confirmed!

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Now my kid’s says account changed instead of no prompt at all. I wish i knew what was happening.

hey y’all, just wanted to update and say that my accounts successfully merged, here’s how i did it.

  1. confirm each console account on that console. for example if i was confirming a nintendo switch account i would open it on my switch to confirm the accounts. (do this for all the accounts)
  2. let overwatch sit for a while (i just left it open and did chores) after a while i reset my game and it successfully merged.

ik it’s not a lot of info but i hope this could help somehow!

Everytime I restart though it just asks me to confirm all over again and gives me the merge prompt. It’s also not showing me my place in queue. Did this happen for you too before you left it open?

Anyone know when they will fix the merge? I had my account merged the first week, went to play the week after release and came into a blank account everything I had from OW1 was gone. I havent gotten my tickets resolved or even looked at by blizzard. Every day i log in on my ps5 to see if i have the option to merge my account again but nothing happens. I am really disappointed that Blizzard hasn’t even attempted to reply or even offer some of us an update on when will this be fixed. Pretty sure some of us will miss outnon this first season of the battle pass since i refuse to play on this account because I had everything and a lot of skins that are now gone. I feel that they should have never merged both games together and just leave OW1 and OW2 be separate games.

Ive also got this problem where i never received my items and im constantly prompted to merge accounts but nothing happens.

I’ve been having this problem. I’ve done each solution that was posted here and still got the “account changed” message. I just want my stuff bruh

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I have the same issue did you ever get this fixed?

Nah, still got the issue.

still not fixed right?

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