Overwatch League gray Widowmaker skin has been UNLOCKED!


Overwatch League Gray Widowmaker has been unlocked!!

Log onto Twitch, go to your loot page and click redeem to claim this reward! (You must have cheers at least 200 bits to qualify.)

Now all that’s left is Hanzo! (not that it’ll matter since my eyes are set on Scion).

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To this day im like…
why’d they do grey. Why didn’t they do orange and black with grey accents or orange and grey I just…

Wait…can I still get this Widow skin??? I REALLY wanted this, but didn’t know how anything worked before. If so, how many bits does it cost exactly??


try again this year watch 5 hrs owl midseasson madness and watch the final.

This noire and kerrigan are my fav skins and probably rarest 3, along with some of the league 200 token skins are the rarest widow skins. OWL grey colors pop more than kerrigan and there basically the same colorway. Im happy i finally got it, my favorite owl skin.