Overwatch league BLOWS as an esport

Overwatch is extremely hard to understand especially if you don’t play the game yourself, and it’s not like they explain what each character does while owl matches progress. Me and a friend that I tried to get into the game watched overwatch league and he literally called it a mess. There’s too much going on. The viewing experience for overwatch is awful and no amount of UI overhauls will fix that.

The game was no where near balanced when it became a esport and still isn’t ANYWHERE near balanced. Combine that with the fact that your community literally can’t stand owl due to the fact that you guys divert resources to it instead of the actual game it self. Instead of letting the game become a esport naturally your forcing it Down the everyone’s throat. When your community wants to see owl burn to the ground you know there’s something wrong.

Your setting the future for this game up for disaster I just hope the 1% that you are catering to is worth it.


Correction; vocal tank and support main minority on the forum don’t like owl.


Yeah no doubt, it will die like sc2 and hots.

The best esports grow naturally, it rarely works when the devs force it.


Tbh it’s one of the more well-put together eSports in terms of tools, broadcasts, teams, and overall excitement in a game.

The people that don’t like something really just want to see it fail so idk. You’re hoping something you don’t like fails. :man_shrugging:


The same is true for American Football and Rugby, yet they remain popular as spectator sports.


Dps main here, owl is a joke that should have never been a thing.


honestly for me it very much depends on the meta and the director, if its a widow meta then expect every single match to be 4 hours of looking through a widow scope and that just isnt fun

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considering two equally skilled teams, there’s a lot of RNG in who’s gonna win.

it feels more like gambling than an actual show of skill if both teams are equally good :sunglasses:

People that never played something doesn’t understand what’s going on? Sounds like real sports. If you’ve never played football and tried to watch you wouldn’t get it either. The forums are the only place owl is disliked. They did let this game become an esport naturally cause they had pro tournaments the whole first year this game was released


Cool, you’re one guy.


I’d rather watch some toddlers playing football in the park.


Almost all of them have a focus point though, a ball, or a puck. The spectator knows where to look. No one knows where to look in OW. They should’ve done it as capture the flag or something. SC did it because it’s usually just 2 players and you see what they see. OW has 12 ppl to worry about. League is overhead too. shrugs I think esports is silly so what do I know. I just want the game to be developed to be fun, not be a sport. I play games watching them is boring.


There’s always the objective.


I don’t understand why Blizzard thought they could force an esports scene, especially when this game was in no way ready for esports. But nope, they wanted that esports rolling within a year of release and the money they dumped into it is porbably a contributing factor into why Activision is slashing employees and wages at Blizzard


to understand baseball you need to have 380 iq.

They don’t? From the matches I’ve watched it’s pretty common for a caster to explain a hero, ability, tactic or other aspect of the game as they’re being used or showcased.

Agreed. It’s rather cluttered.

Mhm, but same story with LoL and Dota2, and they’re the most popular esports in world. So clearly viewer accessibility is not an important factor in making a “good” esport.


Pretty much. Can’t remember how many times I laughed because they were explaining to the audience what payload was


Pretty much this. OWL is like watching a game of football not from the stands, or even a zoomed out camera keeping up with the footage. But instead having helmet cams on every player and swapping around at random where ever they think the action is. Though in OWL’s case it would be worse because it doesn’t even have a focal point like you said.

I mean half the time the action has nothing to do with the objective. The fact it’s streamed live with no delay also means the commentators really can’t keep up at times and just follow who they think will be best. This means huge plays can be missed as they follow the Genji.


Yeah I Main Symmetra and Sombra and think OWL is a waste of time and money.


Wouldn’t the focus point be the Payload or Capture Point? In soccer the ball is the objective, in Overwatch the objective is a cart or cap zone. The majority of teamfights take place on the objective, so…