Overwatch Kickoff Clash Skin

How many hours do you have to watch to get the Winston Skin?

You have to watch for 5 hours.


This is the correct answer


I may have missed something. Which Winston Skin are we talking about?

I already got the skins for Winston (OWL Gray/White set). Started the stream at 2:15 PM EST. Can confirm it works.

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The grey and white one. It’s the first chance to get this specific skin


Just received mine, minutes ago.
Don’t expect any advices ingame, it appears directly in the character’s inventory.

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I still don’t understand why they do repeats while there are heroes who are still waiting for their first Gray Skin release.

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Got my Winston skin as well, but I was legit contemplating whether they offered it before and I had it already, don’t think they did.

Didn’t know they were going to offer Zarya though, been waiting for ages to make hers available, finally.

Thank you! Very Much

Do you happen to know if there is also a chance to get Ana and Dva grey and white skins during this OWL season? I know they were released last year but sadly didn’t manage to get them