it keeps coming back because rez has no counterplay
I’m not sorry
it keeps coming back because rez has no counterplay
I’m not sorry
For christ sake Blizz copy Bungie and make a roadmap for the game so we can expect things officially
wed just complain about the roadmap…
anything is better than having absentee parents
its probably why they stopped coming on here to be honest…im sure the forums has on many occasions felt like parenting to them…who wants to deal with that
Jeff has already explained why they try to avoid giving things an official release date too far in advance because if something happens the forums will explode on them, more so than they do now. Nobody, not Jeff, not Chu, or Geoff could even come on here for some light hearted fun without having to deal with people trying to hijack threads with
“X Hero is broken”
“When will you buff/nerf Y hero?”
And more on threads that had NOTHING to do with that topic
They dont need to give accurate release dates, we could get info on what heroes balance they are looking into for example (way more regularly, not once every 3 or so months)
Plans for any new event? game mode?
They could at least say that they care
Because so far it seems they dont even play their own game
They’ve already told us that this year of events was going to be lacking because they were trying to focus more on balancing, and yet, even despite outright saying that, people are still complaining about the lack of event content. They can’t win even when they try with the forums, it’s honestly better if they never come back to this cesspool
Not true, Jeff is a Brig main! Ignore the times he said he was a Hanzo main and a Rein main and a Mercy main
Well the balance so far has been awful, and not even that much different than before
Yeah we expect the events to lack, but thats a problem when the events were already lacking
Remember the time he asked “Whats wrong with Doomfist?”
You know after 6 MONTHS of hundreds of threads, videos, clips, of him being so filled with bugs that he was unplayable
Yeah, most forum goers spent more time crying and whining on the forum then playing the game.
Or play the game with a terrible mindset and vent their salt on the forum.
If I were the dev I would have just sticked with Reddit.
Pretty sure they take the subreddit more seriously than the forums. Regardless, people also need to comes to terms with the fact that the state of the forums is what it is, and what it is is a reflection of the game.
Jeff said that it’s not their intention to stay silent. They’ve been trying to show up more often.
hey… sorry!
we don’t like being silent… that’s not our intention. we’ve been trying to show up more on various streams
There are also numerous reasons as to why the devs don’t post often, it’s due to fears of accidentally setting something in stone, or what they say could cause a massive controversy.
EDIT: You can find links to the streams that the devs were involved in here: under Interviews
i dont think it is at all…
its by its very nature a place to point out the issues with the game…its inherently biased AGAINST the game…if you were to just form an opinion of the game by simply reading the forums you would think that its completely and utterly unplayable…and yet you have millions of people that do…
i actually made a post earlier today asking how much of a reflection of the game are the forums…i dont think it is a very good one actually…especially when you consider how few people even come here
all the complaints about the game now existed a year and half ago…they were just about different characters/events/balance changes…we’re just continuously complain about the same things over and over again…
so if the game is still here…how important were they really?
Overwatch had its all time Twitch viewership high this past month, what are you on about?
The devs do take the subreddit more seriously than the forum.
After all, the forum has been nothing but nerf the shimada bros for 3 years, revert mercy for 1.5 years, and death to snipers for a year now (I think). It is just Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V with some poolished or foul words.
When overwatch launched the devs had the community eating out of their hands. The forums didn’t start this negative, things progressively got worse.
Things were a lot more positive when I started here, which is saying something because that’s also when they reworked Hanzo and added Brig.[quote=“Baja-11423, post:34, topic:299404”]
i actually made a post earlier today asking how much of a reflection of the game are the forums…i dont think it is a very good one actually…especially when you consider how few people even come here
Pretty sure I left a comment there.
You can’t have something be both the same and completely different.
Well, dive got resolved. Brig got deleted.
Our input matters because players are so frustrated with Overwatch that they’ve been jumping ship for a year. The game really is dying, and the devs clearly need somebody to tell them what the players want since heroes still get dumpsters and stay there for a year or two.
I think this is the most irritating thing at the moment, the complete lack of ANY information about ANYTHING.
Jeff said they’re working on something that will make people say “OH so THIS is what they were doing” but for some reason they’re not allowed to mention ANYTHING AT ALL about what it is or what it may be.
I get they don’t want to tease us with something that’s not ready but goddam if it isn’t frustrating to be completely in the dark about everything ALL THE TIME.
Oh how incredibly wrong you are, Valve knows even less on how to balance. Not to mention how incredibly slow patches are
Dumpster fires are fun to watch.
I still get kicks from seeing people mutilate the desecrated corpse of Fallout 76. I thought it was a bad idea, it was a bad idea, and people tore into it.