Overwatch is great but the community is mentally taxing

The reviews on this game always said it was amazing, but watch out for the community because it is toxic. This was the number one reason why it took so long for me to actually play this game. I don’t deal with toxic people very well. I play worse and it ruins my experience. This was my first video game to ever play where I experienced toxic players. Never got that when playing CoD on Xbox. I came close to it when playing Super Smash Bros, but it’s hard to tell if someone is being toxic or playful when the only means of communication is t-bagging.

To be honest it’s really the game company making game systems that bring out people’s toxicity. It’s not that Overwatch draws more naturally toxic people or something

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I was just saying its pretty bad if most of the reviews say this about a game. I haven’t seen reviews for any other game that say this. They either say, “This game is great, amazing, etc” or “This game sucks.” It was only this game where the reviews were specific that the community is bad. If the game was designed with game systems that make people toxic enough to warrant a warning on a review, there are some issues that need to be addressed. (I would also like to mention that said reviews were seen on the Xbox version, which I’ve heard is one of the more toxic ones.)

From what I know, Blizzard haven’t been taking much action on toxic people lately. Many people had the same opinion. Strange. I actually made a post asking about that.

Overwatch has it’s own special brand of toxicity. Other games have communities which can be much more aggressive and abusive, but Overwatch players have this whole passive-aggressive “Don’t say anything that reddit wouldn’t like or I’ll dob on you to daddy Blizzard” thing going on.


Well I got the evidence right here. Also it would take something like 100 reports that’s 1 per match for you to get a warning. Maybe stop lying to us or post picks of the emails you got from bliz as evidence.

the important thing to outline should be report people that deserve it, who consciously make the game worse for others, not just any1 who happens to say the synonym to the word poop that starts with S. Because that’s how people operate in my experience, I would know since I get reported for saying “Karen, bg, delusional, badass” etc. It doesnt matter the context, theres toxic ppl everywhere, and there’s also ppl settled on using every opporunity they have to report, which is also inherently incredibly toxic.

Don’t become inherently toxic by setting your mind to canceling people. Context and intent is everything.

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Weekly post of why is overwatch’s community so toxic.

how outdated is this information?
I literally reported 4 people recently and got the affirmative action popup twice. One old comment isn’t “proof”, besides it talks about talking action, not drawing attention. (and what about the automated warnings/mutes, there is no “determining” when its automated)
Either way, what reason in the world would I have to lie about toxicity??? I’m literally the one on the receiving end of it LMAO.

I don’t have to leak my e-mails to a wannabe psychoanalist. Sounds like you have a real ego problem and you can’t accept someone disagreeing or having a different experience. Stop treating this like I’m appealing something, we’re literally just talking about toxicity here, and your accusative scepticism falls short of the line.

This also isn’t from Blizzard themselves, it’s from a community manager. They sometimes have the correct information, but I’ve come across quite a few that give out incorrect or often outdated info. I won’t believe any evidence unless it’s from Blizzard themselves.

It’s from January of this year infact. Bliz is not known for updating much of anything quickly so it more than likely stands. It also is talking specifically about groups of reports per match and shadow bans. But hey guess you got real strong cognitive dissonance. Also you have every reason to lie to get pitty points from the community. I’ve seen a handful of posts just like this one that continue to get debunked.

It judging by how you are communicating with me here, I see why you got silenced.

I’ve posted what I know and it’s from Wyomingmyst, who is usually very reliable with his info. At this point ball is in your guys court to debunk that. If something new from bliz officially has come out I haven’t seen it.

Yeah you got me. Totally pushing and accusing people and instigating like its in interrogation or something is totally cool dude. Going on the defensive after being accused, WAY OFF LIMITS. Did I manage to say some really reportable toxicity here as well that would warrant a report?

Really made me dig through an old email.

add these numbers after the com/ of any gyazo link:

crossed out personal and embarassing info regarding myself
already consider having gone too far showing this stuff to a toxic reddit psychologist, but overall, L dude.

Go Torbjorn, everyone likes Torbjorn.

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The game puts casuals and try hards in the same matches so of course it’s going to cause friction. The game needs unranked and ranked and quickplay. Unranked is for serious players who don’t care about rank and ranked is for serious players who care about rank and quickplay is for all the casuals.

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spoony judging by your replies youre one of the people dishing out reports like this. No matter the context - its irrelevant if i was talking to my best OW pal when he slamdunked a rein shatter from a volskaya levitating platform while using funny voicelines, telling him “you smug bastard” and typing xD in the next message. People like you in the lobby just see another opportunity to cut to the chase and cancel somebody because clearly I was being toxic

overwatch is filled with blood vendetta’s.

someone hates someone else and if they see them again days or even weeks later. they get hype as can be too try and kill them or troll them. its so weird

Cute but I only report real problems in game. Active bullying or racism is pretty much it for me. But hey feel how you want. It’s clear you don’t understand how the report system works and made up a story to complain about being banned for probably being actually toxic. It takes a lot more than two rounds to get even a warning about behavior much less a silence or soft ban. Do your homework at least next time and try to be polite to strangers in game? It’s not hard and I should know having mained plenty of unpopular heroes In my time, especially DPS ones.

I’d say the fact people can bandodge/smurf/alt for as low as $10 has a lot to do with it.

/ looks at rocket league.

  1. i wasnt banned
  2. even if i was it is compltetly unrelated to this entire thread, youre just trying to gaslight me like the redditor you are
  3. funny consider youve been consistently wrong about the impact of reports, like me and the other dude get popups upon starting game that our reports work frequently, and clearly they are consequential even when reporting trivial banter
    You’re actually a caricature. Do you feed off of subtle toxicity and gaslighting in forum posts? You accused me and called me a liar for no reason for 8 comments straight and the moment I post proof, you instantly drop it.
    " Your experience is different from mine? Stop lying you’re wrong."
    “Oh I failed to straw man you for something unrelated and got proved wrong? Cute, you don’t know anything because I’m still never wrong.”

think i’m going to use that general advice they usually give about toxic people. Going to block you out of my existence entirely. Just cause you do it subtly doesnt mean you dont do it. You’re part of the problem.