Cool. Meanwhile all 3 of my mains have been gutted, and their counters buffed. So I literally don’t play anymore. I play torb and go sleeper because Torb is a more viable pick than Bastion, Pharah, and Junkrat.
They don’t even do minimal changed, like blocking out movement abilities in CTF when holding the flag.
And then they removed the Busan CTF variation after a week.
And Ashe, and Rein, and Ana, and McRightClick, and Reaper the support.
But they’ll never address these heros.
And when it is given, there has to be something progressive about it. I have no problem with Soldier being gay, I have a problem that there was a 1 year time span of NOTHINGNESS, and then the short story hit, and the biggest nut kicker is that the story could have easily been released with the first year anniversary event, because That’s when necropolis was released.
And every drop of it was wasted.
I’ve heard this for. The. Past. 2. Years. We’ve gotten minimal content from a skeleton crew. Indie devs pump out more worthwhile content then the OW team does.
When are people going to learn that you don’t give grades before the assignment gets turned in. PLUS doing positive reinforcement is only detrimental because it feeds lies, like somehow the OW team is doing a good job.
And oh boy, in a year they’ll release a replay system, that’s EXACTLY what this game needed to make it better /s