OvErWaTcH iS dYiNg

Why do you think they added Mercy into the game dummy?

I still have lots of fun playing Overwatch and I’ve been playing for 2 years.

Sure the events are stale and don’t excite me as much, sure Hanzo is op and probably will stay that way forever, sure the lore is given to us way too slowly.

BUT there’s a lot of potential. And who knows, maybe Blizz is working slowly because something big is coming? :wink:


Been hearing that for two years straight.

It gets tiring at some point, you know.


But what if it’s worth it?
What if they’re adding a change that can effect the whole roster? (Like when they added slower ult charge, except bigger and better)

If they dont drop this secret strat then what ever they are working on might one day be not enaught to make players play.

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Sure, it’s OW Mobile, don’t you guys have phones?

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iPhone 6 so I probably won’t be able to play it :frowning:

3rd person modes would really draw people in… Look at all the Royal games that are so popular, most are 3rd and a few have the ability to switch between 3rd and 1st.
The FPS only ones run their course within months.

3rd person players are a huge group of players who in this gen mostly just stick to RPGs and stuff since everyone tried to do the FPS route.


What if they add a battle royal game mode? They’d get hate for it but it would be a 3rd person game mode

LOL! Brooooo, I still can’t believe that’s how Diablo Immortals played out. Funniest moments in video game history. Easily top 3. Fam said, “Is this some late April Fool’s joke…?” :joy::raised_hands:

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Forget the Royal fad, just do it like Paladins did. Have an option to switch from 1st to 3rd person in casual matches. Ranked matches would not have it.

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3 years next month :slight_smile:

Cool. Meanwhile all 3 of my mains have been gutted, and their counters buffed. So I literally don’t play anymore. I play torb and go sleeper because Torb is a more viable pick than Bastion, Pharah, and Junkrat.

They don’t even do minimal changed, like blocking out movement abilities in CTF when holding the flag.

And then they removed the Busan CTF variation after a week.

And Ashe, and Rein, and Ana, and McRightClick, and Reaper the support.

But they’ll never address these heros.

And when it is given, there has to be something progressive about it. I have no problem with Soldier being gay, I have a problem that there was a 1 year time span of NOTHINGNESS, and then the short story hit, and the biggest nut kicker is that the story could have easily been released with the first year anniversary event, because That’s when necropolis was released.

And every drop of it was wasted.

I’ve heard this for. The. Past. 2. Years. We’ve gotten minimal content from a skeleton crew. Indie devs pump out more worthwhile content then the OW team does.

When are people going to learn that you don’t give grades before the assignment gets turned in. PLUS doing positive reinforcement is only detrimental because it feeds lies, like somehow the OW team is doing a good job.

And oh boy, in a year they’ll release a replay system, that’s EXACTLY what this game needed to make it better /s

Maybe. Hoping theres something big for archives and maybe they add a permanent PVE mode

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Who know’s maybe it comes out during the Anniversary