"Overwatch is doing well"

This video by urnotjustin imo explains the best what’s actually wrong with the game and why people are leaving.

To make a long story short;
OW is not ok.


Another take on the long story short:

Devs stopped taking feedback from the general playerbase, so now they’re fed up and leaving for other games.


its just sad.


well overwatch is doing well!
overwatch is just not enjoyable to watch
jokingly dismissing complaints is the blizzard way but that doesn’t mean they are actually dismissing complaints
my queues pop as fast they used to a year ago
content wise overwatch hasn’t changed over the past year and a half there’s no reason to make that an excuse for being upset w/ the game now
brig was annoying to play against but they’ve fixed her to a certain degree there’s no reason to dwell on it
and i didn’t know this was possible but we found someone angrier than pacifist


the game just go super annoying, frustrating and overall boring.

people are leaving left and right… i had some good time with overwatch but thats over. i do not enjoy it anymore sadly.


The lack of depth I agree on but then he started going about how the top 3% are the ones who matter even when blizzard is balancing around only those right now and I just shut the video off.


play mercy 1 punch and you will think otherwise

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Even without a video, its pretty obvious that OW is just getting…meh. Mostly due to lack of content; game modes for example and slow af balancing.

I used to love love love this game, but thats dying out.


Man curse you activision, ruining everything🔥

Overwatch has so much potential❤️

And it’s wasted on them


This is the exact opposite of what he says


Another things that needs to be added:
If devs didn’t disable mercy maybe we’ll still have more dps based comps, and this game wouldn’t be like today.

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i puT youR OpiNon in CaPS so YOu’Re WroNG!

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Well he literally said, “if you’re a player in this game, your opinion should matter.”

So i dont think he’s saying what you are thinking of.


Yeah but then he complains about goats in top elo when blizzard is trying to balance exactly around them right now.

The guys that said “mercy is fine”, “mercy is balanced” are literally the guys who unknowingly participate in cementing goats position in this game.

I know mercy isn’t the only factor needed to remove goats, but she is one of the keys needed for it. To reduce goats, you have to enable the support that enables DPS. If you keep enabling only the supports that enabled tank heavy comps, that is the comps that you will get.


Also he clearly doesn’t understand that the ctf just sux and that is why it is not played lmao.

Wasn’t it not played because it got taken down within a week cause of a bug?

I mean I remember seeing a SLEW of posts complaining about it.

So can’t fully just say CTF sucks and that’s why people didn’t play it.

People didn’t play it because it got removed.

Competitive ctf was there the whole event and and the regular ctf is in arcade rotations even when there is no event.

Here we go with twitch views again…I’ll indulge him

Don’t have anything to play for…

Development choices…

Brig killed game…

Calls for Jeff to be fired…

Playerbase is “ignored”…

Goats is killing game…

Game is repetitive…

Gets angry that he’s decayed even though he hasn’t played…

Cites a bunch of people issues (toxic, throwers, leavers)

Not enough content…

Events recycled …

Playing apex…

Basically just regurgitated everything you’ve ever heard on forums which have ALWAYS been the case…and which would generally result in “go play another game”…and then he says he loves the game…no…you don’t…because if you did, none of that stuff up there would honestly bother you that much (nor are they unique to overwatch)…the entirety of the list above is basically “I want the game to be THIS way”…well good luck finding the game that works that way…I mean that sincerely…go play apex…Seriosky…if that’s the game that does all those things for you…then play that…but I guarantee you that in three years you’ll be in the same exact place (if you last that long)…because that whole expecting games to be like THIS doesn’t usually work out

The game is 3 years old…you are burnt out…it’s normal…plus he’s a content creator? Doubly so…


But he was focusing on Competitive CTF. How it brought more comps and that there really is no Meta for it and how refreshing that is.

I mean I don’t like Comp but I can see why him saying that needing to wait for a year for a comp more-that is in the regular rotations-is kinda dumb.

The fact that it’s variable year round and the comp more isn’t seem like a way to make the event “feel” like they have more when they really don’t.

At least that’s what I got from his reasoning as to why he wanted to see it available year round.