Overwatch hero designs... took inspirations from Anarchy Reigns?

Randomly looked up a PS3/360 game called Anarchy Reigns by PlatinumGames (Nier: Automata, Bayonetta). I never played it, but remember seeing some media around the game back then.

Some of the characters REALLY look familiar to OW heroes:

A cyborg ninja w/ green lighting accents:

Guy in a giant suit of mechanized armor using a rocket-propelled giant mallet:

Guy with crazy hair AND a double-amputee w/ one mechanical arm + one mechanical leg:

Guy who attacks by punching with giant metal gauntlets:



I mean, in almost every game you can relate things to other games. This isn’t an Overwatch problem, this is a problem that everything has been done before.


Yeah, I kind of figured Doomfist got some inspiration from my boy Black Baron.

Still not as cool though. Especially not the version of him in Mad World.

And here I thought they got the inspiration of Roadhog from Peppa Pig…

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They’re different enough to be inspirations and not straight up rip-offs, hence the title.

Though the frequency of the similarities seems to be… abnormal.

I’m thinking games like Anarchy Reigns are just something that character designers / artists keep in the back of their heads, because the characters are so out there and larger-than-life.

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Lol, Doomfist’s gauntlet doesn’t explode with flames when he punches people. So there’s that.

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He also can’t create black holes with his fists.

(The man even outclasses Zarya for christs sake. Well, again, his Madworld persona does.)

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They all look like One Piece villains.


Though I’m pretty sure all cyborg ninjas are just riffs on the OG Cyborg Ninja aka Gray Fox from Metal Gear Solid, especially design-wise for Genji.

I can see the OP villain comparion, with the exaggerated body proportions.

And Genji doesn’t quite scream Gray Fox to me, though the helmet is definitely an inspirated.

Your post made me say “hmm…”

Thank you for that

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