Overwatch has lost its magic

Gonna be a year or longer before we see another dps added. I think ashe is just fine.

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It’s the common term of " burn out ".

Balance choices are not the only reason why OP and other people, myself included, feel this way.

As a veteran, I will give a short explanation.

Imagine eating an apple for first time. You like it, so you keep eating it. Now, imagine eating the same fruit for three years – can’t help but get tired of it.

People lost their competitive spirit thanks to their mentality and above all, lack of serious changes in competitive mode.

" If Blizzard doesn’t care about competitive then why should I ? "

This is a real line of thinking, one I have adopted myself, sadly. Once I gave up on trying to become better, I started focusing on events. What I met was two years of recycled events I do not find interesting anymore and cosmetics being delivered again and again to same heroes.

I am trying to find a reason to play but even the game itself doesn’t help me to.

Yup, all for the entertainment circus show, nothing for actual gameplay.

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You’re half-right. They should be balancing for the majority of the player base because that is where the money is.

Blizzard believes the e-sports scene is the most important aspect of the game now, which is a big mistake. They have put so much funding into OWL because of this. However, gearing the game towards the top 1% will alienate the remaining 99% (the more “casual” crowd). That 99% will overall not be happy with the state of the game and will turn to something else.

I may not have the financial figures to back it up, but I’m fairly certain the casual crowd is the reason for the success of just about every game. Make them unwelcome and you’ll kill off your game.


I normally don’t mind the balance changes and enjoy how it changes up the game. For the first time though, my first impression of this balance change is that it’s made the game considerably worse. I don’t think it’s the reaper change that does it for me, it’s the armour change. It was already hard enough to find people that wanted to play as a tank. Now, people are so put off that I’m running into a lot more games with no tanks on either side.


It’s called (ironically) “effective management”. Basically, it’s when you increase profits noticeably, at the cost of business longevity, and then just leave to repeat same in different place.

Casual crowd is source of low, but relatively consistent revenue. But whoever runs this interested only in short-time goals, so to them casuals only cost money and don’t produce enough in return.

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I was thinking about this as well. I think part of the burnout is no new game modes. There is so much potential for new modes and adding pve would help. I could only imagine how fun raid type content would be in this game.

Also I noticed that other games that I have played for a long time not only have more game modes but there is at least one game type that is just pure fun and that seems to be lacking in overwatch. Then there is the fact that solo play is not really great so as friends stop playing the game itself just loses its fun, and even more so when the character you like is off meta

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Overwatch didn’t lose anything. It gained hindsight bias.

Everybody wants to go back to the time when the game was fresh, and they only noticed things they enjoyed, and could ignore or overlook the problems that are inevitable in any competitive game.

The glamor fades, but frustrations keep building up. Now everybody is hyper aware of those problems — some new, many old — and they expect each patch to be a miracle fix that will take them back to that “magical” time that never happened.

Worse, people tend to forget about old problems, or mistake them for new problems, so the game always seemed better “before.” In hindsight.

I watched this happen to StarCraft, then World of Warcraft, then League of Legends, and now Overwatch. You’ll notice, though, that all of those games are still around and going strong, despite their increasingly dissatisfied communities (at least on the forums).

And there lies my advice: if you’re tendency is to complain, stay away from the forums. They will only ruin the game for you faster.


I think the biggest thing that would help is the scale of everything. HPS and DPS rates need to be re done as well as burst healing and burst dps.

One shots is what brought on goats. Burst healing and armor is what sustained goats.

This does not pertain to all of the ladder though. Hanzo is still a pretty strong choice given his spam ability. The thing that everyone cried about junkrat and they just gave it to hanzo instead. Hit scan got a buff but the only thing it did was make phara irrelevant. Armor got a nerf which only made certain tanks irrelevant. This is not healthy that nerfs and buffs make certain heros pointless to play. That is not how you counter. Yes niche heros do happen in games like this but tanks dont have enough in their roster that justifies niche tanks.

Bottom line is when your patches start benching certain heros thats when you have hit an unhealthy point in the game. Why have 30 heros if 5-10 of them are throw picks at certain elos.


There was a strong pro scene before that as well. The only difference is, that it’s more in blizzards hands now i think.

Honestly they didn’t wanted to do anything about the ranked problems in the first two years, then fortnite came as well. Without the mainstream, it’s simply not worth for activision Blizzard to invest money into the normal player base. They created a huuuge bubble with the owl and now they are trying to make a better experience there. Hell they implemented the replay sytem right after the first season. People were asking for that from the very beginning almost.

In the end i want to say, that I don’t think it’s a wise decision to set the league as their number one prio. Without a player base it will obviously die as well, however I just don’t trust activision Blizzard in that

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I literally got on to get a few skins and dip back to warframe and KH3 this week. This game is going down and hard.

It’s quite funny when some people say ‘‘this is op because killed X hero’’, then comes another and says ‘‘not op, use this (specific skill) and he’s dead, it’s trash, F tier’’.

Well yes, that is what a COUNTER is meant to be, X beats Y, Y beats Z, Z beats X.


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I have been waiting for so long for something to reignite the excitement and dedication I once felt for the game, but nothing is coming. Game feels abandoned by it’s developers. Heroes are not coming any faster, there is yet to be a second update to basic lootbox pool. And the only things we know, that are being worked on are QoL changes and some tools that will mainly benefit OWL and probably a handful of players. And of course, the SECRETS aka, thick load of lies until something is actually shown.

I am still enjoying playing the game, but it still is the same old. Every 4 months my eyes widen as I really believe it’s going to be JQ now - just to be dissapointed again and again, returning to the same old.

Pretty much have been playing Moira exclusively, since she was released. I have almost all the cosmetics. I used to care about collecting them, because I felt hope and dedication about this game, now I just don’t give a crap about them, because what does it matter anyway. The game lost it’s magic and it’s potential of growth that was absolutely gigantic has been nothing but neglected and ignored for what has now been years. Please just do something amazing soon. I don’t care for OWL, but if it’s so loved by so many and dev team as well - then use it’s 2nd season beggining to announce something astonishing, so that we all can see this game is still worthy of attention.

And by something astonishing, I don’t mean more merchandise.


This! It’s exactly what I wanted to write. Thanks for saving my time.

Would you dain to inform us WHY this is the case? Everything you wrote past this line is just whining and complaining with no constructive criticism. I understand you probably play this game casually, and that’s okay. There is more rime and reason for goats not being the only meta than OWL, it was just as much of a problem in Grandmaster. Don’t sit and blame OWL for things like balance changes because it’s incredibly shallow if you realize most of the balance changes are catered towards the casual audience.

Again, if you want to write a post like this how about some actual feedback? This type of post only serves to feed the “the game sucks and I can’t tell you why” hive mind.

I say Riot.

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The game is still good

You guys are just burned out.

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can you name those things? I mean just talking about it vaguely doesn’t help the devs with what’s wrong.

All games tend to lose their ‘magic’ for people. It’s just not new for a lot of people anymore. God knows I go through cycles playing different games on and off.

what a post. :clap: .