Overwatch has lost its magic

You’re right, he sucks…at any rank diamond and above. But the vast majority of the playerbase isn’t there. People playing in Bronze - Plat are constantly being steamrolled by the guy because he just does too much damage.


No at any rank.

His burst is weak against tanks, He has to get right up to people and most people can just kill him.

Plat is where he first starts to drop off, but that’s pre-buff. TBD with the new buff

That happens to every hero, that is why people hate it.

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The players in gold plat and Diamond are all fundamentally flawed at OW in DIFFERENT ways and it would be impossible to balance around them without drastically lowering the skillcap overall. Some cant aim, some have no awareness, some have bad positioning, some have bad cooldown management, some have no gamesense, but without these things you cannot do well.

Certain heroes punish those deficiencies better than others and thats how the “lower player meta” exists. Pharah exists in gold and below because people cannot aim. Any game between 2700 and 3200 will have a Genji because those people cannot play as a team. You cannot balance around people in a team game not playing as a team.

There is NOTHING at lower ranks that cannot be fixed by simply playing better. At the higher ranks this is not true. You cannot simply say “pay better attention/use your ults better/ work better as a team” and GOATS will fall because it wont work.

TLDR; Focus on playing more as a team and less on the balance if you are below high masters because it does not affect you. Reaper changes do not change what he dies to (awareness).


Yes but Reaper is a special case in that like Genji and Tracer he needs to get up close to do his thing, but unlike them he does not have both an engage and a disengage, he is forced to pick which is why he is countered by stuns so hard.

Other non dive heroes do not have to play right in the face of the enemy but has the unfortunate situation of both having to be in the face of the enemy without a tool to escape once he engages UNLESS the enemy is not aware of where he is and he can walk in.

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Except reaper can’t do anything until he is in range to get stunned and deleted.

I basically just play the game to pass a couple hours after work. It’s not uncommon that I see not a single thing that impresses me now in the game. It’s mostly just either cheesy comps or FOTM characters pressing Q. Those 1 in a thousand good games are sure fun though.

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You are… only level 2xx and already jaded?
It is a sad day for Overwatch indeed…

It does occur to me that Blizzard has done nothing seemingly creative since the release of Overwatch and little else before (Diablo was released in 2012) and many big gaming company those days (Bethesda, EA, Blizzard-Activision) seem to have completely lost touch with their customer base…

I fear that Overwatch and Blizzard are on a slow decline from which they won’t come back…

But hey, what do I know, Jeff the Man himself did say they are working on (multiple?) super secret (and big) project that should come to light in 2019! :open_mouth:

You want unkillable bastion back? Soldier that melts you the moment he sees you? Tracer that bomb tanks? Hanzo that randomly scatter people?

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I love how people keep on blaming streamers and owl for the bad changes. All your frustrations should be put on Blizzard and Blizzard only. They don’t know how to balance. This has been the case for all their games. In fact, if they were actually listening to the big streamers and pros, the game will be somewhat better as they have an idea what needs to be changed.


I don’t know why people blame OWL for so many of these balance changes. People have been complaining about how useless Reaper is for God-knows-how-long and the changes they gave him, while they do help, don’t address his core issues. People on the forum also complained about Brigitte, who got nerfed. People complained about Tracer’s ultimate being such a fast-charging death sentence for even tanks, so its damage and radius were nerfed. People complained about Doomfist so he got nerfed with a sledgehammer.

There are so many perfectly agreeable balance changes. Sometimes they apply to characters who have nothing to do with top-level play and people still blame top-level players for them.

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Im not hating on your comment but i hate it when people say the devs listen to the pros too much. Boys and girls, the dev team listens and bows down to NONE!

Same here, but in my case its burnout

With my favorite heroes deleted, i dont enjoy the game anymore


I agree 100% with you.

Yes. It has so much potential, but nothing is being done with it. Its sad. Its like watching it waste away.

Its not the current balance patch. Its the overall hero balance state, and it even runs deeper than that. These are things Ive pointed out before in other posts Ive made. Things like matchmaking, hero bans, the role of tanks, etc. There is much to be disappointed about. This is more of a post saying that I feel like Overwatch has lost its thunder. Also, it doesn’t matter what I say because I am not a famous streamer or OWL player, so its not like they listen anyway. They proved that simply by pushing this most recent balance patch out.

I knew that this would happen. To be honest, Overwatch is a terrible game to watch and the game wasn’t ready for esports anyway. I mean, we are 3 years in and we still dont have a good selection of main tanks/healers.

I dont want anyone OP. In fact, I would like to see a damage nerf across the board for tanks in trade for more survivability of tanks.

In terms of Reaper, this change doesn’t really fix his problems. All this does is make him more annoying to play against. They did the same thing with several other heroes. Not fix the problem, slap some random change and make the hero more annoying to play against. Like Mei for example. Primary fire piercing all enemies did not fix any of her problems, but it made her more annoying to play against.

Other than the Bastion 50% damage reduction. That was also terrible. Bastion got the short end of the stick tho, because instead of fixing the problem, they just tweaked some numbers and called it a day and Bastion is still pretty terrible today. Now he got nerfed again with the armor thing.

Not true. 1st and most of 2nd year were pretty great. If you are seeing more and more complaints, then that is a sign that the game needs to do something different. People are getting tired of the same ol stufff. Events and skins are not, and will never be enough to cover up the problems Overwatch has.

same. Im not sure what they can do at this point. Like I said, we are pretty far down the rabbit hole at this point. I think the only real way to fix the game is to do a hard reset on hero balance and start from scratch and redefine roles and bans, counters, etc, which will never happen.

This is what Im saying. The buff is strong but doesn’t do anything to actually fix the problems he had. It was a really dumb change and so many people said that this would be the case and they just ignored everyone because they are desperate for OWL to succeed. It makes me sick to my stomach.

I think abou this once in a while but I think having 2 versions of the game would end up being silly. I honestly just think the balance and roles and core mechanics need a total overhaul and rebalance from the ground up.

Yea, Ive been spending a lot of time of BF5. That game has been riddled with bugs and balance problems since launch. However, unlike Blizz, DICE is actually trying really hard and listening to the community and they are doing a pretty awesome job so far at making the game more fun. Sure every patch brings new bugs and the game shouldn’t wasn’t ready for release, but I am actually having more fun in that hot mess of a game than I do with Overwatch these days. I mean, half of the heroes in Overwatch you can’t even play. They may as well not even exist. There is a serious balance problem. Im sorry, but niche heroes shouldn’t be a thing.

CC is another problem in this game. Too much hard CC. The game needs more things like cripples and roots and soft CC like Junk traps for example. Things that still allow you to fight back instead of losing 100% control of your hero.

Its sad how rare it is to actually have a good game. I only spend time in the game because I have a few friends that play it once in a while. I play it to hang out with them, not for the actual game anymore.

Unless these super secret things are super super huge, I think for the most part, it will be too little, too late type deal.

There have been good changes here and there, but overall the hero balance has been bad and is still bad. Hanzo for example, was it good to remove Scatter? Sure. Is Storm Arrow any better? No, not really.

I didn’t blame steamers/pros. I do blame Blizz. I have played all Blizz games. I dont normally put Blizzard in the same sentence as good game balance. Like I said, Im not sure what the problem is, all I know is that there has been a problem and its not being fixed.

Again, just what I said above.

I mean, they really should listen to the community. We are the ones playing the game. Sure not everyone has the best idea and not every idea should be listened to, but when the community as a whole agrees on something, that should 100% be taken into consideration. Its not like they lack the social media presence to ask the community about certain things.

That is another very real issue. I mean, Sym doesn’t even exist anymore. She is a totally new hero. Every single hero that I enjoy playing and have the most hours clocked on have been rewoked in massive ways to the point where most of them aren’t even really the same heroes anymore. Not that I am opposed to change, but most of these changes were just bad balance choices and most of them never really solved any problems.

Overall. The game is a mess right now. There is a problem and I dont know if they even know how to fix it anymore.

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Been downhill soon as OWL was a thing. I mean, its not even fun to watch. The games are actually kind of boring, and the pro gamer culture is borderline toxic. Certain player suspensions came way too late.


They listen to themselves, in the bubble of their offices and not putting themselves in the places of the players or the audience watching the game.

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Sounds like the game has ran its course for you. The past few patches have been great for me. Great skins. Ashe and hammond are both awesome heros. I couldnt be happier with the game.

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This is the sad truth of what’s happening to Overwatch, and will likely be the reason it all comes crashing down eventually.


We should have had Echo at Blizzcon instead of Ashe.