Overwatch, good game-low standards

That isn’t the problem though, as I pointed out in my post above. If they were truly balanced, they would have winrate around 51-52%, such as at least a third of the characters have. That is the middle of the average wins currently and contains the heroes people generally consider to be balanced, like zarya, zenyatta, lucio, and genji.

But it is not true balance.

As I have explained, 50% is not balanced, it is below balanced due to the rock, paper, scissors aspect of the game. Different strats counter others using different heroes, so all the heroes should have over 50% winrate to be balanced

That would not be balanced.
Every hero should have exactly the same chance of winning as they should losing.
They shouldn’t have a higher chance of winning.

That would be fine in a normal game which doesn’t rely on counters, please actually read my posts and provide counter arguments instead of repeating your self and providing no data. It gets very tiring to read

Except you don’t get CP unless you win so it forces a try hard mentality on the player base so I don’t see what the problem is.

Moira’s currently fine. So nerfing her is out of the question. Ana’s pick rate is in part due to Mercy’s nerfs, so those should be reverted first, before attempting to determine whether Ana’s buffs were too much, or Mercy becoming garbage was the final straw.

Stats say she isn’t. And she is getting buffed.

Care to point me to said stats, 'cause I have stats that say she is.

Overbuff. She is currently fine.

Everyone keeps saying “balance, balance, balance” like a robots lOl this game cant be balanced. If you play good, then you are good and bad players are gonna take your hero as an OP hero which is not the case. This post was all about how we as OW community can improve OW as a whole game.