Overwatch Forums

I am sure most people typing in these forums don’t play the game which is why it might be a bot filled space. Most replies I read on other posts seems to indicate they are disconnected from playing the game and try to shut down conversation about the state of the game even though some points are valid.

This is the best post ever thank you so much for sharing this with us all on the forums.

(that’s sarcasm in case you couldn’t tell)

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Apple bot jeans, boots with no furrrrr


Honestly, this place is no different from any other. Lots of diverse views on things. If one only reads the threads which either agree or never agree with one, that’s all you’ll ever remember.

The Doomers are no joke, ngl!

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It isn’t the variety of views being a problem, the replies all follow the same format.

its boots WITH the fur, but I like the response haha. unless you were making a joke about my lack of fur.

But, the whole club was looking at her

Nah. there isn’t another place with so much shills that keeps telling you being robbed by companies is fine.