Overwatch "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION 0x0000000000000028"

Overwatch keeps crashing midgame.
It shuts the game down but doesn’t remove me from the group or queue when I launch it back up.
I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled the game AND steam, shut down and restarted my laptop, to no avail.
This only began happening immediately after the season 10 update.
Here is a pastebin of the error report.

Here is my laptop specs:

MSI Alpha 17
|Processor|AMD Ryzen 7 5800H with Radeon Graphics 3.20 GHz|
|Installed RAM|32.0 GB (31.4 GB usable)|
|System type|64-bit operating system, x64-based processor|
|Edition|Windows 11 Home|
|OS build|22631.3447|
|Experience|Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22688.1000.0|

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I submitted a ticket on this issue but no follow up yet. seems like blizzard is aware (look up swagondabrady on twitter) if you guys make tickets make sure you upload your error logs.

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