Overwatch Esports 2024 Schedule - Earn Rewards

If you did work for blizzard you would have been laid off with the rest of them.


Not watching since they fired Soe.


I googled “Overwatch Sunrise Avatar” and all I got was stuff about Illari’s release. Does anyone know what this actually is?

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FYI, all this information can be found in the blue posts, at the top of the forum. It was LITERALLY just copy and pasted.

I’m already 63% progress towards the Tier 4/8 Hour Reward (CAH 2023-2024 Spray [cell phone]) from yesterday’s stream. Need just under 3 hours to get it today.

It’s a white background with a blue/purple/orange fade Pharah head/helmet. Using it right now myself.

h ttps://i.imgur.com/tkPbhXb.jpeg

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This author inserts an automatic time format with your region time in the broadcast schedule. In his previous post for 2023 (Overwatch Contenders / League 2023 Schedule - (Ended) ) it was more detailed than the announcements in the pinned posts.
There was information about all the tournaments (League, Contenders, World Cup), schedules of past and future broadcasts in ONE place. This is very convenient than constantly monitoring pinned posts, and also gives more advanced information about all drops since 2020 (look at his post for 2023, there are tables with all drops).


Okay? I didn’t post that reply in a previous thread. Also, I’m just letting you know, this information is all readily available at the top of the forums.

That sounds great! Too bad this post is not that…

Also, not sure why I would care about schedules of past broadcasts

Anyone know how to do their missions? I played, won a game, and I didn’t get points. This thing is confusing.

omg we’re so barack :smiley:

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Wait wait waaaait a second, did I “hear” this right?

After the emotional farewell and crying at last years OWWC ending tournament… after hyping up the new format for OW esports scene… Soe was FIRED!!! wtf!!!

“Thanks Obama” to quip a funny meme in “response” also to the writer above me :smiley:

But daaang, joking aside, this bloooooows :expressionless:

Really this is part that bothered me, I can understand if she got canned at the end of the OWL season, but to use her in a video to promote Overwatch Esports as if she was going to be part of it and then let her go seems skeezy/tone deaf/bad form.

I didnt even realize the championships were happening until the last day.

Soo, I take it that we can now unfollow / unsubscribe from the Contenders Twitch channel and the Korean Contenders Twitch channel?

Even the PlayOW channel? Are they gonna make a new channel or continue with PlayOW?

They haven’t announced what happens to the Contenders channels so might want to hold onto them. Sliver of a chance they just change the name on it to preserve the followers.

PlayOW probably won’t change though, that’s Overwatch’s “general” channel.

Hey, I found this page when trying to find this thread and we’ve got more drops in a few days

https:/ /esports.overwatch.com/en-us/news/owcs-2024-season-na-emea-broadcast- details

I guess I can’t post links but I hope separating it is ok



Twitter links work? Sorry not familiar with how forums work.

Saw this earlier and just came to see if others saw it as well.

Looks like for the time being, Kiriko will be the only character that had all three earnable eSports skins as rewards.

Yup, just copy-paste the link and it formats itself into the post.

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Do we know when are the matches for the new campaign programed to be held?

If yes, could we have, when it’s possible for you Merchenary, to have the OP edited with the info? Thanks very much :slight_smile: