Overwatch disabling the no-brain heroes is so fun

Ive tried it many times it dosent work :pensive: ill try it 1 more time to see

Oh sh!t it actually worked this time thnks

I hope both sides of OPā€™s pillows are always uncomfortably warm.


I really think sojourn has a game breaking bug. We should really get rid of her until December to be sure itā€™s fixed.

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no brain?

if u yolo as mei ur dead.

maybe learn how to fight them if you think they are no brain heroes?


Now this is a true Mei mainā€™s response) I approve.

So it wasnā€™t enough that the wall is bugged and sometimes doesnā€™t actually block anything? That wasnā€™t enough for Blizzard to patch it? The fact that they didnā€™t even mention that bug (which is a massive one) in their post is just the latest example of how they favor certain characters over others, and how dishonest they are.

Mei is deceptively hard to play. She has become more no-brain since the damage buff mind.

Itā€™s always telling when these threads pop up. Bit embarrassing to expose your inadequacies this publicly, Iā€™d have thought, but some people are into that.