Overwatch Difficulty Tier List

The long awaited sequel!

Anyways I think Sombra is a B/A

They are rating upon aim
Havent u knew that its the overwatch community thinking that they are playing csgo

You forgot one tier

Forum tier - which ever hero is flavor of the month.

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I get so confused when I see Moira and Mercy placed on the same tier, or Moira placed above Mercy.
As my two most placed I confidently believe Mercy is harder than Moira lol. A lot harder.


My version.
Doomfist is present three times, although one is a joke.

Are you serious? Moira is better in plat because they dunno how to peel for the mercy, therefore it’s better to go Moira when you’re low rank also people in plat and gold aren’t as good as aiming compared to people in master/gm so it makes moira even better. In high ranks it’s harder to make Moira viable compared to a Mercy.

Honestly you’re part of the reason PLAT CHAT meme exists :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:

Reinhardt is the hardest character to use? How do you figure?

I figured it out after i saw the reins in my ladder games.
And tbh he is one of the hardest heros to play right.

then Rein, Orisa, Hammond and Winston are all S-Tier.
Main tank is one of the highest ceilings in the game

Have to keep it real
 You have 10 elims per 10 and under 2,500 hero damage per 10. Your 32 crits per 10 would need to be tripled just to meet the bare minimum requirement to play Tracer in comp.

Unless you have another account with significantly better stats – like double those elims and closer to triple that hero damage and 0.82 K/D – then you’re not ready to discuss what it takes to get value out of Tracer. You’re about 200 hours of practice away from understanding that.

And that’s fine. We all have our heroes that we don’t understand yet.
You won’t see me giving any opinions on what it takes to be a good Widow or Genji, because I utterly suck with them. :joy: I’m well aware that I lack the experience with these heroes to generate an informed opinion.

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I’m not sure that Baps and Zen are A tier hard, since, I am not poo at them :slight_smile:

Pharah was a terror when I was in low ranks, so, she is easy to pick up
 but, I understand she gets harder as she get into higher ranks.

LOL they’ve barely played the hero. Look at their time omg. Clearly they’re not a tracer player, why are you even looking through their stats?

One of their lowest played heroes SMH

That’s like me saying something about doomfist and you’re looking up my stats with like 1 minute DF time hahaha

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Really, Reinhardt in the same rank as Bastion?? Ok I’m out

To be fair, this list isn’t personal. It’s an amalgamation of all the responders lists.

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S - Genji, Doomfist, Ana
A- Winston, Reinhardt, Mccree, Widow, Sombra, Hanzo, Baptiste, Hammond, Ashe, Bastion, Tracer
B- Soldier, Zenyatta, DVA, Junkrat, Torbjorn, Symmetra, Mei, Mercy
C- The rest

Seeing as I have 4 other accounts yeah. I play tracer much more on pc. I’m not saying she’s skillless I’m saying there’s just a lot harder heroes to play to get value out of

How is Lucio difficult?

S - Hammond, D.va, Zenyatta, Genji
A - Zarya, Ana, Tracer, Widowmaker, Mei
B - Winston, Roadhog, Lucio, Sombra, Torbjörn, Ashe, Symmetra, Mccree
C - Reinhardt, Orisa, Baptiste, Hanzo, Basion, Doomfist
D - Brigitte, Junkrat, Reaper, Soldier 76
E - Moira, Mercy

I tried to take into account both skillfloor and skillceiling, so the “high difficulty” heroes can have a very high skill floor, very high skill ceiling, or (especially in S-tier) a combination of the two.

Sigma looks like A-tier so far, might even be S, we’ll see. :smiley:

hammond is far from hard, he’s even easier then winston