Overwatch Demographics poll

I just filled one that was bap because it was the first one there but please don’t make me fill every single one of my mains

Do I have to?

Is it requiered for accurate stats?
Look if it gives better stats I’ll do it k?
Just tell me

You can fill out as many as you’d like to

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Those Mercy stats, haha. Great survey.

As he SHOULD. Polite man with gravity powers says gay rights.


Ima pick up every result and make a little post containing, Most male played character, most female played character, most other played character, hero with biggest gender differences, hero with least gender differences, etc going on through the whole entire list, once I have the time in about an hour I will be posting my findings so people don’t have to click through every single survey.


Why does my sexuality matter?

Who are the 3 Bastion only players? lmao

OH my GOD thank you!

I took a few HOURS to put everything together, honestly I was thinking that I probably wasn’t going to bother with doing that.

It’s demographics, you don’t have to answer though, you can also pick any option you want.


I am currently doing some engineering stuff/class so once I am finished I’l put it all together in some post.


I would actually suggest waiting another day or two because some of the posts on reddit need some time to reach the top of the r/main reddits.

For example the lucio one got to the top right away, but the zen one is only now starting to become noticed on their subreddit

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Got it :+1:t2:

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Lol each character is 1&1/2 a google doc page, I have started and finished Ana, each character takes about 20-30-40 mins to do although I have a template now so it should be shorter, findings may take an hour or two at most. I should have today’s result’s by tomorrow but of course I will update.

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Good luck mate, you’re a legend.


96% of doomfist players males too. Interesting.

Funny how so much of the playerbase plays dva for appearance. Probably the only hero who’s appearance is so high? I didnt check other e-girl attractors.

Anyone know what happened to Westbrook or Perzonic?

Pretty sure he got banned for a thread that said that brig shouldn’t have gotten buffed.

LOL. The amount of forum users that got boosted to masters or diamond with brig is insane. Even two of my friends climbed high with brig, one was bronze went to diamond and currently plays in plat, good for him atleast he got a profit. Another of my friend went from silver gold to diamond.

A lot of people got boosted by briggite, a lot of people that i know too.


Yeah but he dropped to platinum and now stays platinum. Im genuinely happy for him.

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