Overwatch Demographics poll

Just wondering if there would be any interest in the demographics of those who consider themselves flex players. But if that’s not in your scope there’s no reason it has to be.

You’ve infiltrated my Sigma Mains subreddit emails :frowning:
It’s also in our discord so maybe you’ll get a few responses from us.

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Filled it out. I’d be careful posting stuff like this, as distributing “any real life information about blizzard employees/other players” is against the code of conduct. I don’t necessarily see anything wrong with this, and I’m not asking you to take it down, but just be a little more careful when doing stuff like this.

The tracer survey is called “torb” survey. Also wtf is the dva link.

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Not sure about that, people are clearly clicking on Ana because it’s the first link.

We need ways to view results for a character without filling it out.

I’m apparently the only Asian Bastion player, which is obv not true but meh


I fell the same way lol

because the mods of this place are constantly powertripping

tbh it’s probably just one mod, because some days I can have multiple posts false-flagged & they get restored, other days I can post something that doesn’t break any rules, doesn’t even get flagged and I get suspended for a week

there’s dozens of us!


Symmetra Respondents do be queer tho


love how the forums feel like they’re all dva / mercy /sym mains but those links have been clicked like 25, 35, and 24 times respectively, and then there’s ana vibing on 100…

puts into perspective how loud the hero-main communities are, whether its just their personality type or indicative of the severity of a hero-specific issue.

Then again, we been knew that sym mercy and dva have just been poorly handled and their playerbases are jaded.

Compare that to the incidence of ana threads and her apparent main-rate on here… v interesting…

The queerness incidence rates are so interesting but for the heroes i submitted for (sym/zen/pharah) pretty expected, what looks so cool from an analysis side is the age distribution. I think people maining what they identify with wrt ethnicity/queer coding is pretty straightforward but i wonder how gameplay or aesthetics affect different player age groups.

Also I’m so pleased to see so many people 24-30 playing this game pog

also no one who plays sym plays genji?
symmetra voice hmm, as expected stvoSMUG


you can answer no questions, which means that there would be no results that you effected

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Why did you want to start playing this hero?

Appearance 65%

Biggest playing age group… 13-18.

Everything is making a lot more sense now. These guys are Love Dva.

Im the second one…

It’s not hard to figure out the average demographics of Genji, Doomfist and Soldier players, they all share one thing in common.

Out of curiosity which hero is the most straight? and which is the most queer? If Tracer/Soldier/Moira aren’t the most queer imma flip a table cos y’all lying to yourselves.

symmetra is probs most queer, shes on like 78%, and pharah is the least at abt 25% as far as ive checked…


Oh yeah forgot about sym mains.

One thing I’m surprised at is to who has a more or less of a queer demographic. With Sombra and Sigma having more queer mains when compared to Brigitte and Orisa having more straight mains.

Things might unfurl differently as time goes on, but it’s pretty interesting to see so far.

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Its symmetra, Mei and Mercy (I think)