Overwatch Crossplay sucks......I turned it off

Crossplay was a concept that should not have happened to this game. It brings a community of gamers together that are part of the most toxic gaming community in gaming right now and because of that, these problems have been happening…

  1. People have been lazy. I have been trying to do the event and because of people not even trying on ANY mode, I can not complete the event.

  2. Its not equal. Each console and PC has different advantages. Why is that concept so difficult to understand. People can not also be limited to how they play so will console be able to use keyboard as well?

  3. It will get worse on competitive. If there are throwers in console and then you add the throwers in PC then it will get worse.


While there are legitimate complaints to cross play and the global play update, your reasons suggest you really haven’t given a serious effort playing the game since the update.

The Ashe’s Deadlock Challenge will reward points for playing. Yes you get more for winning but its possible to complete without a single win.

Many PC players will play on systems that are substandard to the performance of PS4 or Xbox One. The perception of PC versus console in terms of system performance is very exaggerated.

There are legitimate arguments for what input methods are used on each platform. Unfortunately, from what I understand the development team still intends to make sure that keyboard and mouse cannot be directly used on Console devices. Though such as the Hori TAC Pro can be used. Which makes this a huge mess to begin with. Considering that PC and console cross-play can only happen in non-competitive modes and only when there’s at least one group of console PC players grouped together, I do not see this as a big issue. (But that is my opinion only and you are all free to disagree with it.)

You cant have PC/console Competitive cross-play matches at all. Right now Console players are limited to their own Platform for the remainder of Season 28 Competitive. So this tells me you are given reactions to the new feature before even trying it.


Just wait 'till they force crossplay.


How many?

As little as 1%?

You can get overwatch running at 60fps and 1080p on graphics cards from 10 years ago.


That is correct, but a lot of players often try to purchase affordable laptops and desktops on today’s market that barely meet the minimum system requirements for Overwatch. These systems use onboard graphics chipsets that may or may not be compatible. Many even play on systems that don’t meet the official requirements. Is it a majority? No, but you’d be surprise to what I read in the technical support forum to what players try to play on. I will link the official system requirements for your reference:

I am not, I am a member of the community. All I am asking is to work to make the effort to actually play and then build constructive arguments for or against a new feature. Your post simply suggests you gave a knee-jerk reaction to something without taking time to learn about it.



Maybe not.

Do you actually know what proportion are getting far worse than 60fps?

Surprise me then.

Particularly on proportions.

And it’s conjecture that they’d even be in the queue, or would they TRY to run the game, find they can’t get good framerate and just give up until they got a more powerful system.

I cannot see how people would enjoy playing such unfair games where some are aiming with thumbsticks and others are aiming with mouse aim.

It’s not really relevant to say that SOME PC users might have a low framerate because they’re on a system built when MySpace was bigger than Facebook.

That is two wrongs making a right.


Have you heard about friends?


Of all my friends, I’m the only one who didn’t give up on Overwatch.

They all abandoned this game fed up with the terrible balance.


My new console friends are cool forumers tho

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I do not have specific information to how many players play on certain levels of hardware. However one time, the game had an update which caused Overwatch to crash at startup for what appeared to be thousands of players at the time. Asking for DxDiag reports, we saw every one of those players were trying to play using a graphics chipset that did not meet the minimum system requirements. Blizzard eventually had to provide a follow-up update to get those systems working, which is rather quite generous of them considering those systems technically should not be playing Overwatch to begin with.

Again, I do believe a majority of players plays on PC systems that meet or exceed the capabilities of a base PS4 or base Xbox One, but I also believe that we encounter players who play on substandard systems far more often than what most players realize.


I experience basically no toxicity of any kind in QP, but the forums would have you believe there’s actually a racist, a sexist and a hacker in every game.


I’ve already got friends, I’d much rather the game once again appealed to them as it did circa 2017.

It’s not like a better hero shooter came along, Overwatch just lost it’s absolute appeal.


But isn’t the playerbase in the MILLIONS?

And there are millions of console players?

Which is more of an issue? How does this issue even relate to a created problem of needlessly pairing those using mouse aim together with those using thumbstick aim.

No one is saying PC and console categorically can’t play together, if everyone is limited to the same input by pairing PC gamers who use a gamepad to join games with console gamers.

The “majority” is 51% to 99.99999999%.

Could you narrow that range a bit more?

Considering there’s only a few thousand who can be confirmed had below minimum system requirements that’s closer to 99.9%.


The complaints about the input method is in my opinion a legitimate complaint that I am reading here, and that is something I firmly believe that Blizzard needs to address straightforward and publicly. As a forum MVP I tried asking about it, but I don’t have any official word from Blizzard about it. If it was up to me, I believe console players should have the right to plug and play keyboard and mouse capability, because as it stands, it is impossible to control those from using adapters or official hardware which does the same anyways.

As far as what systems each player’s play on, I am not going to stress over that. PC players already where playing with a wide variety of players with a wide variety of hardware which has added to the chaos that is matchmaking. I provide a guide encouraging players to maximize the best possible performance in the game, but I know that very few players take advantage to maximize the performance on their systems to the best potential. No, I do not have specific numbers for you to crunch over.

My example is to show that we as a community have no idea how good of hardware our teammates have, and to stress over who is playing on what device is futile.


Blizzard needs to implement aim assist at least on Switch vs PC, sub-30 fps is a mess vs PC Players.


On that point, you get diminishing returns with higher and higher framerate above 60fps/60hz. That’s the sweet spot where you’re getting visual updates of the game at such a high rate. Although the number of frames per second is getting higher the absolute delay between each frame is getting smaller and smaller.

I recently upgraded from a 60hz to 120hz monitor and did I massively increase in performance? No. It was a small but distinct improvement that helps in certain circumstances but is not a particular unfair advantage, there are worse disadvantages hardware can overcome.

As an experiment I turned down from Ultra to Low settings, did it change anything? No. It’s the same game but a little rougher around the edges.

Trivial things are holding me back and it’s nothing to do with the raw processing power, it’s things like getting a larger mouse mat and moving to a wireless mouse. My mouse wire snagging and running out of mouse pad space hurt me more.

All these problems are nothing compared to the hard limits with thumbstick aim.

Do you not play many tracking heroes, maybe? The difference between frame rates for tracking is like night and day. Helps click timing heroes a bunch, too. It’s like magic.

I know you mean well by this, but we’d all prefer better match quality than being asked to suffer even more poorly balanced matches for… loot? Better to not participate and have fun doing something else.

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So what’s the difference? You dont have to win to get the matches. Just play Overwatch like you normally do. Its no different then how the game goes without any challenges.

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It’s still quite difficult if you don’t win, you’d have to do 27 games, which is alot.

Aren’t all consoles thrown into one pool though? Or is that active next season?