Overwatch Credits Last Chance?

They say that normal gallery items can still be purchased with coins. It’s the seasonal items that can’t I guess. Don’t know if they just go away or if they’ll be sold with the new currency during future events.

don`t underestimate hungry money corporates

My confusion is just, wasn’t that the point of the anniversary remixes? I don’t understand what this is then.


my guess would be “we gave you guys an opportunity to spend those credits before they become useless…dont blame us now” sort of deal…


The source of what? “For all we know” and “might cost” implies we don’t know anything that could happen but a cost increase is definitely a possibility.


You might be right, but I don’t think it’s as clear cut as all that. Allowing OW2 newcomers to grind out OW1 skins through playing the game is a way of keeping the OW2 newcomers around. OW2 newcomers who stick around are people who will potentially decide to buy a battlepass or a paid-for cosmetic.

I wouldn’t be surprised at all if the free tier of the battle pass (or equivalent) is mostly made up of OW1 creds to buy OW1 cosmetics with.

maybe some common quality ones…have to understand that the move to f2p is made to maximize profits…we’ve seen these types of systems before…

we might be able to get a few of the new common/rare quality stuff on free systems…but i can all but guarantee that pretty much anything thats “worth” getting is going to be behind paywalls…and that goes for older content as well…

This upcoming event will be the last to spend on any seasonal loot box item that can be unlocked with the current Overwatch in-game currency. We will be detailing how past seasonal content and other items are collected in Overwatch 2 in an upcoming news post this month.


Okay, so no past challenge skins then?

Will the new summer games skins from last year still be 3000 credits?


Past play-to-earn challenge skins are not included in this upcoming event.


I hate this news but seriously thank you for telling us.


Won’t even matter for me I literally have everything in the game you can purchase with credits.

Taking 160,000 credits into Overwatch 2… what they’ll be good for we have no idea.

They will have value even if you already unlocked everything you can get with them from the current game.


this is absolutely wonderful news.


Best OW2 news so far :ok_hand:


blizzcon skins aren’t making a come back? they weren’t purchasable with credits but with real money

Will the seasonal play-to-earn skins ever be returning at all? (Meaning the Epic skins that came with seasonal events since Summer Games '19, not the skins with dedicated events.)

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lmao… how?

do you think you will be able to sell your blizzard account for $10,000 because you have the reaper american skin? or the reinhardt german skin? or any other skin that you got from playing?

Was that meant to be a reply to me? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: